SSL Certificates and Profiles ============================= Creating and Importing Certs and Key ------------------------------------ You want the highest levels of encryption between the BIG-IP and the client, but you do not require the same levels of encryption between the BIG-IP and the server and you would like to save server processing power. You are going to create new SSL certificates with 2048 bit keys for client-side SSL and import a certificate you own that has a 1024 bit keys for the server-side SSL processing. Create the client-side SSL certificate and key. Go to **System >> File Management >> SSL Certificate List** and select **Create** and enter the following information\ **.** +----------------------------+----------------------------+ | Name | **new\_ssl\_cert** | +============================+============================+ | Issuer | **Self** | +----------------------------+----------------------------+ | Common Name | **** | +----------------------------+----------------------------+ | Division | **Training** | +----------------------------+----------------------------+ | Organization | **F5** | +----------------------------+----------------------------+ | Locality | **Lab** | +----------------------------+----------------------------+ | Country | **United States** | +----------------------------+----------------------------+ | State | **Washington** | +----------------------------+----------------------------+ | Email | **** | +----------------------------+----------------------------+ | Subject Alternative Name | **** | +----------------------------+----------------------------+ By default, a self-sign certificate starts with a Lifetime of 365 days and the key type is 2048 bit RSA. Import the SSL certificate and key below to the BIG-IP to be used for server-side encryption by selecting **Import**. You can find the cert and key under the **Lab Guides** link on your browser bookmark bar. Look for the **Cert 301a LTM Architect.txt** file/link. Open the link and the certificate and key are in there under **LAB 5 - SSL** You may want to import the Key first, as it will validate certificate if your naming both the same. If you were to import the certificate first and then import a Key with the same name you could technically attached an invalid key to the certificate. Import the **Key** (Type), named **import\_ssl\_cert**, leave the **Password** blank. **RSA Private Key**:: -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIICXQIBAAKBgQCobsrka60VT1TLfQsamdtQCbvfnGC9ibiTtPjaHXRBpNV70prY rihQqj3pBNlE4dvK0ucF49gGF5HXpKZDqZWXai3AnJhia248FRyT/ezxAjVqamFh c3Lhx5ykSIxWzzw+VBuwTIvg2MS3aE3P/2CQ8MI02/uiLsya0eydw3EyiQIDAQAB AoGBAKPN3BP5hALNfDHKEhp0tw1H6ia19n9eiNtdjQbSzlVo8RXS5DUGar7IUh1k UcjjvtWp9nOL+nMySOvnfKshKhDbB/73NRg7VZ1eZL6K/0vv37KbDSU8KTQssSb3 myKxrRVMbxxpPujpUNT3gd6XqdUXyPjWuJOkCGLgVfGhANHhAkEA2ssfpYXgID2a 0B+VC+FaAB0GBg5P/oQF3mTPSj460totqGWeXi7beuYXgFYLbn5BNHCsDeVclZMy ws7k4SZiiwJBAMUTSRX3rjeZBpl0zF6xr/JFfw0Fd4lgKDO+hFZvrbhDUYIU9D08 ROyH+FViQ0IoV2BtW9IZDtN/GzoroLE/hbsCQQCG5cwaSwOX/UOxZHeJ/qR2A28O Vs69dvsDVpZ0CRBNppWWCSlummdaS/lbeDHOK2vagEmku7CszDf04ok9xGPnAkAl 5rubmfLLhoaaZLgZThsEgREaM/71UKTqrq1M4lWKpoe6eMUwMbMfulasNSWyR4fm Z6HNGjybuEpIObPB4vGZAkBo1LKCZXas+mxRfZeucfzPLOx5a8XmwtV57br+ivnK n0OIrSExckYHeeWb4sFl8Y/S85yyBqHS5q5v9s/x2fvp -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- Import the certificate. Type **Certificate** and named **import\_ssl\_cert** **Certificate**:: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIBuzCCASQCCQCTVAeV4noavTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADAiMSAwHgYDVQQDExds aW51eDMyc2VydmVyMS5mNXNlLmNvbTAeFw0xMDA2MTkyMTI2NTZaFw0yMDA2MTYy MTI2NTZaMCIxIDAeBgNVBAMTF2xpbnV4MzJzZXJ2ZXIxLmY1c2UuY29tMIGfMA0G CSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCobsrka60VT1TLfQsamdtQCbvfnGC9ibiT tPjaHXRBpNV70prYrihQqj3pBNlE4dvK0ucF49gGF5HXpKZDqZWXai3AnJhia248 FRyT/ezxAjVqamFhc3Lhx5ykSIxWzzw+VBuwTIvg2MS3aE3P/2CQ8MI02/uiLsya 0eydw3EyiQIDAQABMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAA4GBAH1e+FXvNOnKlP5RO5wKVjG0 C8F4Xww462beL2LeYZvV3ZjDoTUU0CNkkOnOKMbLkaiTICpBdd836sIiloAyV8M1 2YZwxgwP/fV4ycTjHUnloEBmmmBVmW3M5DzLGA1k9cB1dUly5koIoRE9mYRWm9V2 ZzYkbZf96KMh8zH47R4y -----END CERTIFICATE----- *Q1. What is the common name of your imported certificate and when does it expire?* SSL Profile and Virtual Servers ------------------------------- Now you will create a custom client and server side SSL profiles using your new certificates and key and attach them to you **secure\_vs** and test. Create a custom client SSL profile using your **new\_ssl\_cert** certificate, by going to **Profiles > SSL > Client**. Name you new profile **my-client-ssl** and place **new\_ssl\_cert** in the **Certificate** and **Key** drop-downs. Make sure you **Add** the certificate and key before you Finish. Go to the SSL Server profiles and create a new profile named **my-server-ssl** with your **import-ssl-cert** certificate and key. Replace the current default client-side and server-side SSL profiles with your new SSL profiles. Browse to ****. *Q1. Did it work?*