F5 XC EMEA Workshop > Class 5 - F5 XC K8s > Deploy the application Source |
Lab 1 - Deploy the application¶
For this lab, we will need to access the on prem Kubernetes environment and deploy the app.
Go to the UDF deployment click Components on the MicroK8s component click Access. A drop down will open, click WEB SHELL, a new tab will shell access will open.
Find K8s configuration for our application. In order to achive this run the bellow commands.
su ubuntu cd /home/ubuntu/arcadia_crypto ls
Observe the configuration that delpoys the application by running the bellow commands. arcadia.yaml deploys the application pods and services.
cat *
Deploy the Arcadia Crypto application
kubectl apply -f arcadia.yaml
The application has been deployed. Check that all application PODs are up and Running
kubectl get pods