Lab 1: Advanced Load Balancer and Origin

In this lab you will create a Application (API) Load Balancer, attach an Origin Pool and enabled Malicious User Detection.

**Expected Lab Time: 12 minutes**

Task 1: Configure a Load Balancer and Origin Pool

The following steps provide instruction on how to create a Load Balancer, and Origin Pool configured within your namespace. 
This Load Balancer will be used throughout the course.

#. In the left top click the F5 ball and navigate to the **Web App & API Protection** Tile.

   .. image:: _static/shared-001.png
      :width: 600px

#. Click on the arrow to the right of **Namespace**, select your namespace from the list.

   .. image:: _static/shared-002.png
      :width: 400px

#. In the left-hand navigation expand **Manage** and click **Load Balancers > HTTP Load**

#. In the resulting screen click the **Add HTTP Load Balancer** in the graphic as shown.

   .. image:: _static/shared-003.png
      :width: 800px

   .. note::
      *You have defaulted to your specific namespace as that is the only namespace to which you
      have administrative access.*

#. Using the left-hand navigation and in the sections as shown, enter the following
   data. Values where **<namespace>** is required, use the name of your given namespace.

   * **Metadata:Name ID:**  ``<namespace>-lb``
   * **Basic Configuration: List of Domains:** ``<namespace>``
   * **Basic Configuration: Select Type of Load Balancer:** ``HTTP``
   * **Basic Configuration: Automatically Manage DNS Records:** ``(Check the checkbox)``
   * **Basic Configuration: HTTP Port:** ``80``

   .. image:: _static/lab1-task1-003.png
      :width: 800px

#. In the current window's left-hand navigation, click **Origins**. In the adjacent
   **Origins** section, under **Origin Pools**, click **Add Item**.

   .. image:: _static/lab1-task1-004.png
      :width: 800px

#. In the resulting window, use the drop down as shown and click **Add Item**.

   .. image:: _static/lab1-task1-005.png
      :width: 800px

#. In the resulting window, enter **<namespace>-origin** in the **Name** field and click
   **Add Item** under **Origin Servers** as shown.

   .. image:: _static/lab1-task1-006.png
      :width: 800px

#. In the resulting window, **Public DNS Name of Origin Server** should be selected for
   **Select Type of Origin Server**.

#. In the **DNS Name** field enter the following hostname:
   **** and then click **Apply**

   .. image:: _static/lab1-task1-007.png
      :width: 800px

#. After returning to the prior window, make sure **Port:** within the **Origin Servers**
   section, under **Origin Server Port** is configured for **80**.

#. Leave all other values as shown while scrolling to the bottom and click, **Continue**.

#. After returning to the next window and confirming the content, click **Apply**.

   .. image:: _static/lab1-task1-008.png
      :width: 800px

   .. image:: _static/lab1-task1-009.png
      :width: 800px

#. After returning to the HTTP Load Balancer window, select **Common Security Controls** on the left,
   find **Malicious User Detection** and select **Enable** from the drop-down.

   .. image:: _static/lab1-task1-011.png
      :width: 800px

   .. note::
      *This will be used in a later lab.*

#. Scroll to the bottom of the window, click on **Save and Exit**.

   .. image:: _static/lab1-task1-014.png
      :width: 800px

#. Using another browser tab, navigate to the the following URL to confirm the Load Balancer
   has been configured properly.


   .. image:: _static/shared-swagger-intro.png
      :width: 800px

**End of Lab**

.. image:: _static/labend.png
   :width: 800px