Lab 3: Configure Local Logging For Firewall Events ================================================== Security logging needs to be configured separately from LTM logging. High Speed Logging for modules such as the firewall module requires three componenets. - A Log Publisher - A Log Destination (local-db for this lab) - A Log Profile For more detailed information on logging, please consult the BIG-IP documentation: In this lab, we will configure a local log publisher and log profile. The log profile will then be applied to the virtual server and tested. .. warning:: Logging locally on a BIG-IP increases resource utilization and overall load. In production, it is a best practice to log to an external syslog server to reduce load on the device. Create A Log Publisher ---------------------- A log publisher defines an end point for logging. 1. Return to Chrome and the BIG-IP TMUI in the first tab. 2. Navigate to **System** > **Logs** > **Configuration** > **Log Publishers**. 3. Click **Create**. Use the values below to create a log publisher. **Name**: *firewall_log_publisher* **Destinations (Selected)**: *local-db* |image24| .. note:: Leave all other fields to their default values. 4. Click **Finished**. Create A Log Profile -------------------- Logging profiles specify which data/events should be logged and how that data should be formatted. 1. Navigate to **Security** > **Event Logs** > **Logging Profiles**. 2. Click **Create**. Use the values below to create the logging profile. **Name**: *firewall_log_profile* **Protocol Security**: *Checked* **Network Firewall**: *Checked* 3. Click on the **Protocol Security** tab. 4. Set the **HTTP, FTP, SMTP Security** log publisher to *firewall_log_publisher*. Leave all other fields using the default values. |image25| 5. Click on the log profile **Network Firewall** tab and configure using the following information: **Network Firewall Publisher**: *firewall_log_profile* **Log Rule Matches**: Check *Accept*, *Drop* and *Reject* **Log IP Errors**: *Checked* **Log TCP Errors**: *Checked* **Log TCP Events**: *Checked* **Log Translation Fields**: *Checked* **Storage Format**: *Field-List* (Move all to Selected Items) |image26| .. note:: Leave all other fields using the default values. 6. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click **Create**. Apply The Logging Configuration ------------------------------- Apply the newly created log profile to the external virtual server created in the previous lab. 1. Navigate to **Local Traffic** > **Virtual Servers** > **Virtual Server List**. 2. Click on *EXT_VIP_10_1_10_30* virtual server. 3. Click on the **Security** down-drop from the top menu bar and select **Policies**. 4. Change the **Log Profiles** field to *Enabled* and select the *firewall_log_profile* profile. 5. Leave all other fields using the default values. Your screen should appear as below: |image278| 6. Click **Update**. Validate Lab 3 Configuration ---------------------------- Refresh the app sites' browser tabs to access the virtual server or repeat the curl statements from the previous sections. .. code-block:: console curl -k -H curl -k -H curl -k -H curl -k -H curl -k -H .. note:: This test generates traffic that creates network firewall log entries. In the **Security** > **Event Logs** > **Network** > **Firewall** screen, click the **Search** button to refresh the event list. Newest events will appear at the top, as shown below: |event-log| This completes Module 1 - Lab 3. Click **Next** to continue. .. |image24| image:: /class1/images/image26.png :width: 7.05278in :height: 2.93819in .. |image25| image:: /class1/images/image27.png :width: 7.04444in :height: 2.53958in .. |image26| image:: /class1/images/image28.png :width: 4.83169in :height: 5.41497in .. |image278| image:: /class1/images/image278.png :width: 7.04167in :height: 5.88889in .. |event-log| image:: /class1/images/event-log.jpg .. |image31| image:: /class1/images/image31.png :width: 6.73811in :height: 1.69444in .. |image251| image:: /class1/images/image251.png :width: 3.73811in :height: 1.69444in