Simulating a ICMPv4 Flood Attack ================================ In this example, we’ll set the BIG-IP to detect and mitigate an ICMPv4 flood attack. This type of attack attempts disrupt a network host with a flood of traffic from a seemingly harmless protocol. Configure Logging ----------------- Configuring a logging destination will allow you to verify the BIG-IPs detection and mitigation of attacks, in addition to the built-in reporting. 1. In the BIG-IP web UI, navigate to **Security** > **DoS Protection** > **Device Protection**. .. image:: _images/image056.png :alt: screenshot 2. Under **Log Pubisher**, select *local-db-publisher*. 3. Set the **Threshold Sensitivity** to *high*. 4. Click the **Network** section header in the vector list to expand the view. .. image:: _images/image057.png :alt: screenshot 5. Scroll down to find the *ICMPv4 flood* category in the vectors list. Click on the vector name. 6. In the vector configuration pane, set the following values: - **State**: *Mitigate* - **Threshold Mode**: *Fully Manual* - **Detection Threshold EPS**: *Specify 50* - **Detection Threshold Percent**: *Specify 200* - **Mitigation Threshold EPS**: *Specify 100* .. image:: _images/image059.png :alt: screenshot 7. Scroll to the top of the page and click the **Commit Changes to System** button. Initiate the Attack ------------------- We’ll use the hping utility to send 25,000 packets to our server, with random source IPs to simulate a DDoS attack where multiple hosts are attacking our server. We’ll set the SYN, ACK, FIN, RST, URG, PUSH, Xmas and Ymas TCP flags. 1. Minimize Firefox and click the BIG-IP shortcut. You will automatically be logged in as admin. 2. Issue the ``bash`` command to enter the BASH prompt. 3. Scroll the ltm log in real time with the following command: - ``tail -f /var/log/ltm`` 4. On the attack host, launch the attack by issuing the following command on the BASH prompt: - ``sudo hping3 --flood --rand-source --icmp -c 25000`` 5. You’ll see the BIG-IP ltm log show that the attack has been detected. .. image:: _images/image060.png :alt: screenshot 6. After approximately 60 seconds, press **CTRL+C** to stop the attack. 7. Return to the BIG-IP web UI. Navigate to **Security** > **Event Logs** > **DoS** > **Network** > **Events**. Observer the log entries showing the details surrounding the attack detection and mitigation. .. image:: _images/image061.png :alt: screenshot 8. Navigate to **Security** > **Reporting** > **DoS** > **Dashboard**. View the various statistics surrounding the attack. .. image:: _images/image062.png :alt: screenshot 9. Navigate to **Security** > **Reporting** > **DoS** > **Analysis**. View additional statistics surrounding the attack.