Lab 3: Reporting and Session Management ======================================= Task 1: Big-IP as Authorization Server (Big-IP 2) ------------------------------------------------- #. You can see reporting on OAuth traffic at **Access -> Overview -> OAuth Reports -> Server** |image221| #. You can see the session logs by going to **Access**-> **Overview**-> **Active Sessions** and click on the active session, or for past sessions under **Access -> Overview -> Access Reports -> All Sessions Report** *(it runs by default and asks for a time period)* |image222| Task 2: Big-IP as Client / Resource Server (Big-IP 1) ----------------------------------------------------- #. After logging in Go to **Access -> Overview -> Active Sessions** and note that the "User" field is populated with the name from your social account *(from social account labs).* This happens because we took the relevant variable from the OAuth response and put it into the variable *session.logon.last.username*. |image223| #. There are more session variables retrieved from the provider you can examine. To see them click on **View** under **Variables** for the session. Search for variables that start with "session.oauth.scope.last". The scope will determine what the Authorization Server returns to you. |image224| .. NOTE:: You can terminate this session if desired at the Active Sessions screen* |image225| #. You can see reporting on OAuth traffic at **Access -> Overview -> OAuth Reports -> Client** / **Resource Server** |image226| #. You can see the session logs by going to **Access**-> **Overview**-> **Active Sessions** and click on the active session, or for past sessions under **Access -> Overview -> Access Reports -> All Sessions Report** *(it runs by default and asks for a time period)* |image227| .. |image221| image:: /_static/class2/image205.png .. |image222| image:: /_static/class2/image206.png .. |image223| image:: /_static/class2/image207.png .. |image224| image:: /_static/class2/image208.png .. |image225| image:: /_static/class2/image209.png .. |image226| image:: /_static/class2/image210.png .. |image227| image:: /_static/class2/image211.png