Lab 1.2 - Troubleshooting, Logs, etc ------------------------------------ Understand the iControl & iControl LX Logs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In Lab 1.1 we explored the two key daemons responsible for iControl REST and iControl LX Extensions. The two logs for these daemons are: ``/var/log/restjavad.0.log`` ``/var/log/restnoded/restnoded.log`` It is important to be familiar with both of these logs while developing iControl LX Extensions. You will get to know ``restnoded.log`` very well! Task 1 - Streaming the log output ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can open these logs with any text editor/reader. However, it is far more efficient to stream the output while operations such as starting the restnoded daemon are taking place. Perform the following steps to complete this task: #. To 'stream' the output of restnoded, use the ``tail`` command. For example: ``tail -f /var/log/restnoded/restnoded.log`` #. Log output will now be printed as soon as it occurs. To stop the output and return to a shell type ``Ctrl+c``. Task 2 - Combining Commands, for Extra Efficiency ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To ensure you don't miss any output while your iControl LX Extension is loading, you can execute the ``restnoded restart`` command, and the ``tail`` commands together using the separator ``;``. For example: ``bigstart restart restnoded; tail -f /var/log/restnoded/restnoded.log`` .. NOTE:: The ``;`` means to execute the first command, ``bigstart restart restnoded``, and then the second command, ``tail -f /var/log/restnoded/restnoded.log`` immediately after.