NGINX Plus HTTP Load balancing ============================== Introduction ------------ Both NGINX Open Source and NGINX Plus can load balance HTTP, TCP, and UDP traffic. NGINX Plus extends NGINX Open Source with enterprise-grade load balancing that includes session persistence, active health checks, dynamic reconfiguration of load-balanced server groups without a server restart, and additional metrics. .. seealso:: Official installing NGINX documentation: `NGINX Command Line `__ `High-Performance Load Balancing `__ `HTTP Load Balancing `__ Learning Objectives ------------------- By the end of the lab you will be able to: - Enable NGINX Plus as an HTTP load balancer - Enable NGINX Plus as an HTTPS load balancer - TLS Best practices Exercise 1: Inspect the NGINX configuration and rewrite logs ------------------------------------------------------------ #. In the **WORKSPACE** folder found on the desktop, double click the **NGINX-PLUS-1** workspace shortcut to open Visual Studio Code. .. image:: ../images/2020-06-29_15-55.png #. In the VSCode, open a terminal window by selecting **View > Terminal.** You will now be able to both run NGINX commands and edit NGINX Plus configuration files via the VSCode Console and terminal. .. image:: ../images/2020-06-29_16-02_1.png #. Now inspect **/etc/nginx/nginx.conf**. .. note:: - The **include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf** statement for inclusion of further NGINX Plus configuration files. - The **TCP/UDP proxy and load balancing block** This is an example of using the “stream” context for TCP and UDP load balancing. .. image:: ../images/2020-06-29_16-02.png #. Select the **etc/nginx/conf.d/** file in the VSCode Explorer section. .. note:: See the following entries in the server block: - **server_name “"**, that will match **** - **location /**, that will match all or any uri - **proxy_pass http://nginx_hello**, to proxy request to the upstream group labeled **nginx_hello** (defined in **upstreams.conf**) - **rewrite_log on** directive, and the **"301 MOVED PERMANENTLY"** line. This allows for logging all rewrites to the error log. .. code:: nginx # HTTP server { listen 80 default_server; server_name ""; # Server specific logging access_log /var/log/nginx/ main_cache; error_log /var/log/nginx/www.example.com_error.log notice; location / { proxy_pass http://nginx_hello; } # Enabling rewrite logging is bonus points # Enables logging of ngx_http_rewrite_module module directives # processing results into the error_log at the notice level rewrite_log on; # 301 MOVED PERMANENTLY location = /old-url { return 301 new-url; } # etc.. } #. Open another Terminal in VSCode by selecting the **split terminal** icon on the right. .. image:: ../images/2020-06-26_12-53.png #. In the terminal shell, run the following commands: a. On one terminal shell, ``tail`` the error logs for ****: .. code:: bash cd /var/log/nginx tail -f www.example.com_error.log b. In the other terminal shell, run the following **curl** command: .. code:: bash curl -I -L http://localhost/old-url .. note:: the entry in the **www.example.com_error.log** printed in the first terminal Exercise 2: HTTP Load Balancing ------------------------------- #. In the VS code Explorer select the **upstreams.conf** file. Observe the following configuration entries to the **upstream nginx_hello** block: .. code:: nginx # nginx-hello servers upstream nginx_hello { least_time header; #header|last_byte zone nginx_hello 64k; server; server; server; # keep alive connections keepalive 32; } #. In a Web Browser, open You should see something similar to the web page below Reload the page several times and ensure that the **Server Name:** changes from **web1**, to **web2** and **web3** in a load balancing fashion. .. image:: ../images/2020-06-26_13-04.png Exercise 3: HTTPS Load Balancing -------------------------------- #. In VSCode Explorer open ``www2.example.conf`` and observe the following configuration entries: - **server_name**, to listen on all **** requests - **return 301 https://$host$request_uri**, to perform a **HTTP 301** redirect to HTTPS service - **ssl_certificate** and **ssl_certificate_key** directives that specific the PEM files used for TLS .. code:: nginx # HTTP Redirect to HTTPS server { listen 80; server_name; return 301 https://$host$request_uri; } # HTTPS server { listen 443 ssl default_server; server_name; # Minimum SSL Configuration ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/; ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/; # etc... } #. In your lab browser, open .. attention:: If you receive the **Your connection is not private** warning page, click **Advanced** then click the link **Proceed to (unsafe).** You should see something similar to the web page below. Reload the page several times and ensure that the **Server Name:** changes from **web1**, to **web2** and **web3** in a load balancing fashion. .. image:: ../images/2020-06-26_13-04.png