NGINX Plus API Live Monitoring ============================== Introduction ------------ The `NGINX Plus API `__ supports other features in addition to live activity monitoring, including dynamic configuration of upstream server groups and key-value stores. Live examples: - A `sample configuration `__ file for the NGINX Plus API - Live dashboard example: ` `__ - Raw JSON output: ` `__ - Swagger-UI: ` `__ - API YAML: ` `__ Learning Objectives ------------------- By the end of the lab you will be able to: - Use ` `__ for demo purposes - Use the NGINX Plus API to read live monitoring metrics on NGINX Plus - Interact with the NGINX Plus API using both `Postman `__ and `cURL `__ Exercise 1: Explore the Live Activity Monitoring JSON Feed from using Postman: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you access the API, NGINX Plus returns a JSON formatted document containing the current statistics. You can request complete statistics at **/api/[api-version]/**, where **[api-version]** is the version number of the NGINX Plus API. Lets look at the Live Activity Monitoring JSON Feed in detail. In this section, we will use **Postman** to interact with the NGINX API. In the Optional section below, we can reproduce the same steps using **curl** #. Open **Postman** using the shortcut found on the desktop. If prompted to update Postman click on **Dismiss**. .. image:: ../images/Postman1_2020-08-26.png #. Within the **Live Activity Monitoring** collection, click on the **NGINX Info** request and then click on the **Send** button. The **/api/api-version/nginx/** API endpoint is used to retrieve basic version, uptime, and identification information. .. image:: ../images/Postman2_2020-08-26.png #. Next click on **NGINX Connections** request and then click on the **Send** button. The **/api/api-version/connections/** API endpoint is used to retrieve total active and idle connections. .. image:: ../images/Postman3_2020-08-26.png #. Click on the **NGINX Server Zones** request and then click on the **Send** button. The **/api/api-version/http/server_zones/** API endpoint is used to retrieve request and response counts for each HTTP status zone. .. image:: ../images/Postman4_2020-08-26.png #. Click on the **NGINX Cache** request and then click on the **Send** button. The **/api/api-version/http/caches/** API endpoint is used to retrieve instrumentation for each named cache zone. .. image:: ../images/Postman5_2020-08-26.png #. Click on the **NGINX Upstreams** request and then click on the **Send** button. The **/api/api-version/stream/upstreams/** API endpoint is used to retrieve request and response counts, response time, health-check status, and uptime statistics per server in each TCP/UDP upstream group. .. image:: ../images/Postman6_2020-08-26.png #. Click on the **NGINX SSL** request and then click on the **Send** button. The **/api/api-version/ssl/** API endpoint is used to retrieve SSL/TLS statistics. .. image:: ../images/Postman7_2020-08-26.png Optional: Explore the Live Activity Monitoring JSON Feed from using cURL: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this section, we will use **curl** to interact with the NGINX API. #. In the **SSH** folder found on the desktop, open the **NGINX-PLUS-1** session. .. image:: ../images/2020-06-29_22-06.png .. attention:: If you receive the PuTTY Seurity Alert click **Yes** to continue #. In the Terminal Window, using **curl** and **jq** for JSON formatting, make a request to the API endpoint, **/api/api-version/nginx/** to retrieve basic version, uptime, and identification information. .. code:: bash curl -s | jq .. note:: You should see output similar to the following .. code:: json { "version": "1.19.0", "build": "nginx-plus-r22", "address": "", "generation": 55, "load_timestamp": "2020-06-30T03:00:00.120Z", "timestamp": "2020-06-30T04:09:57.399Z", "pid": 24706, "ppid": 61031 } #. Using **curl** and **jq**, make a request to the API endpoint, **/api/api-version/connections/** to retrieve total active and idle connections. .. code:: bash curl -s | jq .. note:: You should see output similar to the following .. code:: json { "accepted": 32284461, "dropped": 0, "active": 1, "idle": 55 } #. Using **curl** and **jq**, make a request to the API endpoint, **/api/api-version/http/server_zones/** to retrieve request and response counts for each HTTP status zone. .. code:: bash curl -s | jq .. note:: You should see output similar to the following .. code:: json { "": { "processing": 0, "requests": 0, "responses": { "1xx": 0, "2xx": 0, "3xx": 0, "4xx": 0, "5xx": 0, "total": 0 }, "discarded": 0, "received": 0, "sent": 0 }, "": { "processing": 0, "requests": 0, "responses": { "1xx": 0, "2xx": 0, "3xx": 0, "4xx": 0, "5xx": 0, "total": 0 }, "discarded": 0, "received": 0, "sent": 0 }, "": { "processing": 0, "requests": 2635, "responses": { "1xx": 0, "2xx": 2505, "3xx": 17, "4xx": 76, "5xx": 37, "total": 2635 }, "discarded": 0, "received": 856154, "sent": 62626264 } } #. Using **curl** and **jq**, make a request to the API endpoint, **/api/api-version/http/caches/** to retrieve instrumentation for each named cache zone .. code:: bash curl -s | jq .. note:: You should see output similar to the following .. code:: json { "http_cache": { "size": 0, "max_size": 536870912, "cold": false, "hit": { "responses": 0, "bytes": 0 }, "stale": { "responses": 0, "bytes": 0 }, "updating": { "responses": 0, "bytes": 0 }, "revalidated": { "responses": 0, "bytes": 0 }, "miss": { "responses": 0, "bytes": 0, "responses_written": 0, "bytes_written": 0 }, "expired": { "responses": 0, "bytes": 0, "responses_written": 0, "bytes_written": 0 }, "bypass": { "responses": 0, "bytes": 0, "responses_written": 0, "bytes_written": 0 } } } #. Using **curl** and **jq**, make a request to the API endpoint, **/api/api-version/stream/upstreams/** to retrieve request and response counts, response time, health-check status, and uptime statistics per server in each TCP/UDP upstream group .. code:: bash curl -s | jq .. note:: You should see output similar to the following .. code:: json { "postgresql_backends": { "peers": [ { "id": 0, "server": "", "name": "", "backup": false, "weight": 1, "state": "up", "active": 0, "max_conns": 42, "connections": 9250, "connect_time": 1, "first_byte_time": 1, "response_time": 1, "sent": 952750, "received": 1850000, "fails": 0, "unavail": 0, "health_checks": { "checks": 5564, "fails": 0, "unhealthy": 0, "last_passed": true }, "downtime": 0, "selected": "2020-06-23T17:43:55Z" }, { "id": 1, "server": "", "name": "", "backup": false, "weight": 1, "state": "up", "active": 0, "connections": 9250, } #. Using **curl** and **jq**, make a request to the API endpoint, **/api/api-version/ssl/** to retrieve SSL/TLS statistics .. code:: bash curl -s | jq .. note:: You should see output similar to the following .. code:: { "handshakes": 784975, "handshakes_failed": 70687, "session_reuses": 122210 }