Step 4 - Publish API v1.0 ######################### Before publishing our first API, we must understand what the DevOps (or API Dev) team provided us. They provided us with an OpenAPI spec file (OASv3) via ``SwaggerHub``. You can consult ``version 1.0`` here: .. image:: ../pictures/swaggerhub.png :align: center :scale: 40% .. note:: This is version 1.0 of the API, and in this version, as you can notice, the ``Colors`` micro-service is not yet available. This means that with this spec file, we will publish the API Sentence application without the ``Colors`` micro-service (e.g., a sample sentence might look like ``calm mouse of the mountain``). | Create the API Services *********************** #. In NMS ACM UI, click on the ``Services`` menu on the left #. Create a new workspace. As you can notice, ``Infra team`` and ``API team`` have their separate workspaces * Name : sentence-app #. Click on ``Back to Workspaces`` and click on ``sentence-app`` workspace just created .. note :: We will expose the API and document it on Dev-Portal at the same time. Upload the OpenAPI Spec file ============================ #. Click on the ``API Docs`` tab .. image:: ../pictures/lab1/api-docs.png :align: center #. Click on ``Add API Doc`` and drag-drop the Swagger file, then click ``Save`` .. note :: In Win10 RDP Jumphost, the Swagger file located on the desktop (oas-sentence-v1.yaml) Expose the API proxy ==================== #. Click on ``API Proxies`` tab, and click ``Publish to Proxy`` * Backend Service * Name : sentence-svc * Service Target Hostname : (this is the K3S Ingress IP Address) * Service Target Transport Protocol : HTTP * Service Target Port : 30511 (K8S Node Port) .. note :: autocomplete may cause problems; if you copy and past over the port, it may be easier * API Proxy * Name : sentence-api * Use an OpenAPI Spec ? -> YES * API Spec : api-sentence-generator-v1 * Gateway Proxy Hostname : * Developer Portal * Check the box "Also publish API to developer portal" - **This will push documentation in Developer Portal** * Portal Proxy Hostname : * No Category * Click ``Publish`` * Click ``Back to workspace`` .. image:: ../pictures/lab1/publish-api-v131.png :align: center :scale: 50% .. image:: ../pictures/lab1/edit-adv-config.png :align: center :scale: 50% Customize and finalize the configuration ======================================== The configuration still needs to be finished. * Define how the API Gateway will ``route`` the API requests per ``Version`` #. Edit the API Proxy just created (sentence-api) by clicking on the three dots on the top right of the row, then click ``Edit Proxy``. .. image:: ../pictures/lab1/edit-proxy.png :align: center #. As you can notice, the first page (configuration) is what we just created previously. Click on ``Next`` #. Configure the ``Ingress`` as below * Append Rule : Prefix - version/basepath * Strip Base Path and Version before proxying the request : YES * Select Status : Latest .. image:: ../pictures/lab1/ingress.png :align: center * Click ``Next`` #. Click ``Next`` > ``Next`` then ``Save and Publish`` .. note :: Congrats, your first API is exposed on the Nginx API Gateway and Documented in the Developer Portal.