Step 8 - Publish API v2.0 ######################### The API Team performs these actions. Upload OpenAPI Spec file Version 2 ================================== #. In NMS ACM, in ``Services`` (the API Team environment), go to your workspace ``sentence-app`` #. In ``API Docs``, click ``Add API Doc`` then upload ``oas-sentence-v2.yaml``from the Win10 Desktop and click ``Save``. .. note :: You can now see 2 OpenAPI specification files .. image:: ../pictures/lab1/doc-v2.png :align: center #. In ``API Proxies``, notice the version of the existing proxy ``sentence-api``. It is ``v1``. .. image:: ../pictures/lab1/proxy-v1.png :align: center #. Edit the ``sentence-api`` by clicking on the three dots on the top right of the row and clicking ``Edit Proxy``. #. Now, in the ``Configuration`` section, select ``api-sentence-generator-v2`` as the API Spec .. image:: ../pictures/lab1/oas-v2.png :align: center #. Click ``Save & Publish`` .. note :: A new line is created with ``version v2`` .. image:: ../pictures/lab1/proxy-v2.png :align: center .. note :: As a reminder, the API Gateway exposes the API with the /version/basepath scheme. It means the new path for Version 2 is /v2/api/