File IO [misc/file_io] ========================= With njs, NGINX is able to read and write files on disk. In this example, data is pushed to a file via HTTP POSTs. We can then read the file using HTTP GET as well as erase the file and start over. **Step 1:** Use the following commands to start your NGINX container with this lab's files: .. code-block:: shell EXAMPLE='misc/file_io' docker run --rm --name njs_example -v $(pwd)/conf/$EXAMPLE.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro -v $(pwd)/njs/:/etc/nginx/njs/:ro -p 80:80 -d nginx **Step 2:** Now let's use curl to test our NGINX server: .. code-block:: shell :emphasize-lines: 1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22 curl http://localhost/read 200 curl http://localhost/push -X POST --data 'AAA' 200 curl http://localhost/push -X POST --data 'BBB' 200 curl http://localhost/push -X POST --data 'CCC' 200 curl http://localhost/read 200 AAABBBCCC curl http://localhost/flush -X POST 200 curl http://localhost/read 200 docker stop njs_example Code Snippets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Notice how the push, flush, and read operations are triggered through NGINX location blocks. .. code-block:: nginx :linenos: :caption: nginx.conf http { js_path "/etc/nginx/njs/"; js_import utils.js; js_import main from misc/file_io.js; server { listen 80; location /version { js_content utils.version; } location /push { js_content main.push; } location /flush { js_content main.flush; } location /read { js_content; } } This njs code uses a file on the NGINX server's disk to provide persistent storage. .. code-block:: js :linenos: :caption: file_io.js var fs = require('fs'); var STORAGE = "/tmp/njs_storage" function push(r) { fs.appendFileSync(STORAGE, r.requestBody); r.return(200); } function flush(r) { fs.writeFileSync(STORAGE, ""); r.return(200); } function read(r) { var data = ""; try { data = fs.readFileSync(STORAGE); } catch (e) { } r.return(200, data); } export default {push, flush, read}