.. _2.3-show-metrics: Exercise 2.3: Show metrics for NGINX instances ############################################## Objective ========= Gather metrics from NGINX Instances. NGINX Instance Manager collects metrics from NGINX instances and stores entries in the nginx-manager database. These metrics can be accessed externally by a grafana dashboard or other systems since they are exposed as a prometheus endpoint. Further customization can be done using PromQL to form queries. Guide ===== Step 1: View metrics in the UI ------------------------------ For this step, open the user interface for ``nginx-manager`` in the UDF dashboard. You can select the ``ACCESS`` menu under ``NGINX Manager Server`` and the ``INSTANCE MANAGER UI`` selection. This will open the user interface in a new browser tab. From the Launchpad page, select Instance Manager and click on the ``Ubuntu`` hostname instance. The user interface should open a page with details of the instance. Select the ``Metrics`` tab. .. image:: ./UI-metrics-v2.png This page has some useful system information, such as CPU/Memory utilization. On the upper right, you can change the time duration from last 5 mins to last 90 days. You can see operating system metrics and CPU and memory usage.