.. _3.0-architecture: Exercise 3.0: NGINX Instance Manager Architecture ################################################# Objective ========= Understand how NGINX Instance Manager handles network traffic and communications. Learn different options for securing traffic externally and for agent and server communication. Guide ===== NGINX Instance Manager (NIM) uses an agent and server communication path for managing NGINX Instances. The ``nginx-agent`` communicates with the ``nginx-manager`` over gRPC (TCP 443). NIM uses ClickHouse as an analytics time-series database. ClicHouse can be installed with NIM in the same server, or can be accessed in an external installation. Various Automation and CI/CD pipelines can use the NIM API to perform various actions. NIM offers options to feed data and metrics to external platforms like Prometheus and visualization tools like Grafana. .. image:: ./NIM-diagram.jpeg Step 1 ------ Navigate to the ``nginx-manager`` instance as ``ubuntu`` and use the home directory. Use the SSH menu option to beceome the ubuntu user. If you use the web-shell it defaults to the root user. To follow best practice, please use the ubuntu user. .. image:: ./Access-SSH.jpg If prompted, select yes for trusting the ssh connection in your terminal. .. image:: ./Add-SSH.png ``NOTE: If you haven't added SSH keys to UDF - Use the WebShell`` .. image:: ./Access-SSH-2.jpg Step 2: Review the ports used ----------------------------- Let's use netstat (you may need to install this on your own system) on the ``nginx-manager`` instance. We will list all ports and the processes, then use grep to filter the list. sudo netstat -tulpn | grep nginx tcp 0 0* LISTEN 726/nginx: master p\:\: Nginx Instance Manager ingests data from the agents and exposes the UI via TCP 443. For documentation see: https://docs.nginx.com/nginx-instance-manager/about/technical-specifications/ Nginx Instance Manager also uses ClickHouse as an analytics time-series database. For documentation on ClickHouse see here: https://docs.nginx.com/nginx-instance-manager/admin-guide/configure-clickhouse/