Adding the NGINX Plus with App Protect Instance to NGINX Instance Manager ========================================================================= Since this lab utilizes NIM, we're going to install the NGINX Agent and add the instance to the NGINX Instance Manager for centralized management and analytics. .. warning:: If you're installing the NGINX Agent in your environment, a few steps are required before starting the installation process. See for more information. In this lab, these have been checked for you. 1. Connect to the NGINX Plus 2 instance via SSH, if not already connected. 2. The NGINX Agent will be pulled from the NGINX Instance Manager server and installed: .. code-block:: bash curl -k https://nginx-instance-manager.appworld.lab/install/nginx-agent | sudo sh sudo systemctl restart nginx-agent **Result** .. image:: images/nginx_agent_install_result.png 3. Configure the NGINX Agent Now you'll need to configure NGINX Agent to perform additional tasks for NGINX App Protect. Load the file into a file editor: .. code-block:: bash sudo nano /etc/nginx-agent/nginx-agent.conf Near the end of the file, modify the line starting with "config_dirs" so it looks like the following: .. code-block:: bash config_dirs: "/etc/nginx:/usr/local/etc/nginx:/usr/share/nginx/modules:/etc/nms:/etc/app_protect" Next, add the following configuration block to the end of the file: .. caution:: When you paste the block below, extra line breaks may be included. Please remove those line spaces and ensure the lines are indented properly to ensure no errors occur. .. code-block:: bash events: # report data plane events back to the management plane enable: true # Enable reporting NGINX App Protect details to the management plane. extensions: - nginx-app-protect - nap-monitoring # Enable reporting NGINX App Protect details to the control plane. nginx_app_protect: # Report interval for NGINX App Protect details - the frequency the NGINX Agent checks NGINX App Protect for changes. report_interval: 15s # Enable precompiled publication from the NGINX Instance Manager (true) or perform compilation on the data plane host (false). precompiled_publication: true # NGINX App Protect Monitoring config nap_monitoring: # Buffer size for collector. Will contain log lines and parsed log lines collector_buffer_size: 50000 # Buffer size for processor. Will contain log lines and parsed log lines processor_buffer_size: 50000 # Syslog server IP address the collector will be listening to syslog_ip: "" # Syslog server port the collector will be listening to syslog_port: 514 Prior to saving, your screen should look the same as below: .. image:: images/nginx_agent_conf_edits.png Press **CTRL + X** to save the file, followed by **Y** when asked to save the buffer, then **enter** when asked for the filename. In this example, we've configured NGINX Agent to: - Check for configuration changes every 15 seconds - Allow for precompiled policies, meaning that NIM will compile the policy before sending to the NGINX Plus/NAP instance - Enable large buffers for NGINX App Protect Monitoring - Enable NGINX Agent to run a syslog daemon that will forward logs to NIM Security Monitoring 4. Start the NGINX Agent and set to start at boot: .. code-block:: bash sudo systemctl enable --now nginx-agent Create the Metrics service on NGINX ----------------------------------- The NGINX Agent is now configured and started. We'll need a few more configuration pieces to finish the installation. 5. Switch to **Firefox**, if already open, or open **Firefox** by selecting **Applications** > **Favorites** > **Firefox** from the top menu bar. .. image:: images/firefox_launch.png 6. Click the NIM bookmark or navigate to https://nginx-instance-manager.appworld.lab/ui/. .. image:: images/launch_nim.png 7. Log in using the **lab** / **AppWorld2024!** credentials. .. image:: images/login_prompt.png 8. Click on the **Instance Manager** tile to launch NIM. .. image:: images/nim_tile.png 9. You should now see second instance in the list. Click **Refresh** in the toolbar if you do not see the new instance. .. image:: images/nim_refresh_result.png 10. Click the **nginx-plus-2.appworld.lab** instance in the list. .. image:: images/nginx_plus_2_detail.png 11. Click the **Edit Config** button. .. image:: images/edit_button.png 12. Click on **Add File** button in the navigation pane. .. |expand_button| image:: images/expand_button.png :scale: 25% .. image:: images/add_file_button.png 13. Provide the filename **/etc/nginx/conf.d/metrics.conf**. Click **Create**. .. image:: images/filename_prompt.png 14. Paste the following configuration into the editor using **CTRL + V**: .. code-block:: bash server { listen 8080; location /api/ { api write=on; allow; deny all; } } **Result** .. image:: images/file_contents.png 15. Click the **Publish** button. .. image:: images/publish_button.png 16. Click **Publish** when presented with the confirmation prompt. .. image:: images/publish_confirm.png 17. You will see the Published notification shortly after. .. image:: images/published_notification.png 18. Return to the SSH terminal to the NGINX Plus 2 instance. Restart NGINX: .. code-block:: bash sudo nginx -s reload 19. Restart the NGINX Agent To start the NGINX Agent on systemd systems, run the following command: .. code-block:: bash sudo systemctl restart nginx-agent 20. Verifying NGINX Agent is Running and Registered Run the following command on your data plane to verify that the NGINX Agent process is running: .. code-block:: bash ps aux | grep nginx-agent You should see output that looks similar to the following example: .. image:: images/nginx_agent_ps_aux_result.png This section of the lab is complete.