Protect Arcadia API with NGINX App Protect ========================================== The Arcadia micro-services offer several REST APIs in order to: - Buy stocks - Sell stocks - Transfer money to friends In this lab, we'll deploy an NGINX App Protect WAF policy to protect the API. Lab Tasks --------- 1. Click the **Applications** drop-down in the top menu bar and select **Visual Studio Code**. .. image:: images/vscode_nav.png .. caution:: It may take a moment for Visual Studio Code to launch the first time. 2. Select **Thunder Client** from the bottom of the left menu (it looks like a lightning bolt) and authenticate the keyring with the password ``AppWorld2024!``. .. image:: images/vscode_thunder_icon.png .. image:: images/vscode_thunder_auth.png 3. In the **Collections** tab, select the **Arcadia API** and then the **GET Transactions** item. Click **Send** and notice the response data that the API returns in the **Body** section of the window to the right. .. image:: images/get_transaction_pretest.png 4. Click the **POST Buy Stocks** item, then click **Send**. Again, notice the API is functioning properly. .. image:: images/post_buy_stocks.png 5. Click the drop-down where **POST** is selected, and change to **OPTIONS**. Click **Send**. Notice that the API responded to this request. .. image:: images/options.png 6. Return to **Firefox**. Click the **NIM** bookmark and log in using **lab** as the username and **AppWorld2024!** as the password. .. image:: images/nim_navigation_login.png 7. Click on the **Instance Manager** tile. .. image:: images/nim_launchpad.png 8. Click **App Protect**, **Policies** in the left menu. .. image:: images/nim_app_protect_list.png 9. Select the **NginxApiSecurityPolicy** from the policy list. .. image:: images/nginx_policy_select.png 10. Click on the **Versions** tab. .. image:: images/policy_versions.png 11. Click on the version in the list. .. image:: images/policy_version_select.png 12. Review the configuration. Notice that this policy: - Blocks the DELETE, OPTIONS and PUT HTTP operations, since the API does not utilize them - includes a custom response via JSON to provide the support ID for easier troubleshooting - Specifies actions to take on API-related violations - Places a cap on XML payload lengths .. note:: The full schema for the WAF policy can be found at []( .. code-block:: text { "policy": { "name": "app_protect_api_security_policy", "description": "NGINX App Protect API Security Policy. The policy is intended to be used with an OpenAPI file", "template": { "name": "POLICY_TEMPLATE_NGINX_BASE" }, "methods": [ { "name": "DELETE", "$action": "delete" }, { "name": "OPTIONS", "$action": "delete" }, { "name": "PUT", "$action": "delete" } ], "response-pages": [ { "responseContent": "{\"status\":\"error\",\"reason\":\"policy_violation\",\"support_id\":\"<%TS.request.ID()%>\"}", "responseHeader": "content-type: application/json", "responseActionType": "custom", "responsePageType": "default" } ], "blocking-settings": { "violations": [ { "block": true, "description": "Mandatory request body is missing", "name": "VIOL_MANDATORY_REQUEST_BODY" }, { "block": true, "description": "Illegal parameter location", "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_LOCATION" }, { "block": true, "description": "Mandatory parameter is missing", "name": "VIOL_MANDATORY_PARAMETER" }, { "block": true, "description": "JSON data does not comply with JSON schema", "name": "VIOL_JSON_SCHEMA" }, { "block": true, "description": "Illegal parameter array value", "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_ARRAY_VALUE" }, { "block": true, "description": "Illegal Base64 value", "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_BASE64" }, { "block": true, "description": "Illegal request content type", "name": "VIOL_URL_CONTENT_TYPE" }, { "block": true, "description": "Illegal static parameter value", "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_STATIC_VALUE" }, { "block": true, "description": "Illegal parameter value length", "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_LENGTH" }, { "block": true, "description": "Illegal parameter data type", "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_DATA_TYPE" }, { "block": true, "description": "Illegal parameter numeric value", "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_NUMERIC_VALUE" }, { "block": true, "description": "Parameter value does not comply with regular expression", "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_VALUE_REGEXP" }, { "block": true, "description": "Illegal URL", "name": "VIOL_URL" }, { "block": true, "description": "Illegal parameter", "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER" }, { "block": true, "description": "Illegal empty parameter value", "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_EMPTY_VALUE" }, { "block": true, "description": "Illegal repeated parameter name", "name": "VIOL_PARAMETER_REPEATED" }, { "block": true, "description": "Illegal method", "name": "VIOL_METHOD" }, { "block": true, "description": "Illegal gRPC method", "name": "VIOL_GRPC_METHOD" } ] }, "xml-profiles": [ { "name": "Default", "defenseAttributes": { "maximumNameLength": 1024 } } ] } } 13. You can apply this policy to the Arcadia Finance app, which includes an API. Click on **Instances** in the menu bar. .. image:: images/instances_navigation.png 14. Select **nginx-plus-1** from the instance list. .. image:: images/nginx_instance_selection.png 15. Click on **Edit Config** to enter the configuration mode. .. image:: images/edit_config_nav.png 16. Click the **arcadia-finance.conf** file in the left navigation pane. .. image:: images/select_app.png 17. Modify the **arcadia-finance.conf** configuration file by adding the below code to the *ssl server block* listening on port 443 directly below the line ``status_zone arcadia_server;``. .. code-block:: text location /trading/rest { proxy_pass http://arcadia-finance$request_uri; proxy_set_header Host; status_zone arcadia-api; app_protect_enable on; app_protect_policy_file "/etc/nms/NginxApiSecurityPolicy.tgz"; } location /api/rest { proxy_pass http://arcadia-finance$request_uri; proxy_set_header Host; status_zone arcadia-api; app_protect_enable on; app_protect_policy_file "/etc/nms/NginxApiSecurityPolicy.tgz"; } Your screen should look like the screenshot below: .. image:: images/post_edit_config.png 18. Click **Publish** to deploy the changes. Click **Publish** again when prompted. You'll see a notification that the changes were published. .. image:: images/published.png Test the App Protect Policy --------------------------- 19. Return to **Visual Studio Code**. Click the **GET Transactions** item in the **Arcadia API** collection. .. image:: images/get_transaction_nav.png 20. Click **Send**. .. image:: images/get_transaction_send.png 21. Notice from the response that the API is functioning properly. .. image:: images/get_transaction_response.png 22. Now select the **POST Buy Stocks XSS Attack**, then select **Send**. The NAP WAF policy will block this attack, as the response shows. .. image:: images/post_buy_stocks_xss_attack.png 23. Run the **POST Buy Stocks** item again with the **OPTIONS** action selected. Notice that this request is now blocked as the policy does not permit OPTIONS operations. .. image:: images/post_buy_stocks_options_blocked.png 24. Now, from the **Arcadia Attacks Collections** select the **Struts2 Jakarta** item and then click **Send**. This attack is blocked, but not by the API WAF policy. Why? Because the URI is not a part of the location where you've added the policy, so this portion of the app is protected by the original NAP WAF policy. .. image:: images/struts2_jakarta.png You've now completed the API WAF portion of the lab.