Step 1 - Deploy and publish the API Sentence app in Kubernetes ############################################################## It's now time to deploy the API Sentence app :) With Kubernetes, there are several ways to deploy containers (pods). One way is to use the ``kubectl`` command with a YAML deployment file (manifest). We have a YAML manifest file to deploy all the various API micro-services, ``attributs_without_colors.yaml``. You can find a short extract below (this is only for the ``adjectives`` micro-service), and see that it will deploy a container image from our GitLab repo: .. code-block:: YAML --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: adjectives spec: type: NodePort ports: - port: 80 nodePort: 31100 targetPort: 8080 selector: app: adjectives --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: adjectives spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: adjectives template: metadata: labels: app: adjectives spec: containers: - name: adjectives image: imagePullPolicy: Always ports: - containerPort: 8080 **Steps :** #. SSH (or WebSSH) to the ``Docker (k3s + Rancher + ELK)`` VM. Run the following commands to start up the Kubernetes cluster: .. code-block:: bash sudo su kubectl apply -f /home/ubuntu/k3s/attributs_without_colors.yaml -n api kubectl apply -f /home/ubuntu/k3s/generator-direct.yaml -n api #. RDP to the ``Win10`` VM. Login by using ``user`` as both the user and the password credentials (you will need to use an RDP client): * Open the ``Edge Browser`` and select the ``Rancher`` bookmark. If you get a ``Your connection isn't private`` warning, click ``Advanced`` -> ``Continue to (unsafe)``. * Login into the ``Rancher`` dashboard by using ``admin`` as the user and ``F5twister$2022`` as the password credentials. * Click on the ``Cluster Explorer`` yellow button on the top right corner. * On the left menu, select ``Deployments``. From here, you can see the ``Deployments`` running in each ``NameSpace``: .. image:: ../pictures/lab2/rancher-deployments.png :align: center #. On the left menu, select ``Services``. From here, you can see the ``Services`` running in each ``NameSpace``: .. image:: ../pictures/lab2/rancher-services.png :align: center | As you can see, the ``Colors`` micro-service is not yet deployed. This is on purpose. DevOps didn't manage to finish this micro-service on time for this API's initial release, v1.0. As such, the API Sentence app will generate a sentence without a color. (For your interest -- we already deployed for you the ``Frontend`` micro-service through the NGINX Ingress Controller.)