Step 3 - Create an API Gateway ############################## The instance is linked with NGINX Controller, but it needs to be configured as a ``Gateway`` to be used by NGINX Controller. A ``Gateway`` is an NGINX Controller object "grouping" instances (not to be confused with an API Gateway). .. note:: In this lab, we have only one instance per ``Gateway``, but we could have several instances per ``Gateway``. For instance, I could have 3 NGINX Plus instances in front of my API Sentence app. All of these instances would have the same API Definition config. Steps: #. In NGINX Controller -> Select ``Home`` (the NGINX logo on the top left corner) -> ``Services`` -> ``Gateways`` -> ``Create Gateway``. Use the following values: * Name: ``apigw`` * Environment: ``env_prod`` * Placement: ```` * Hostname: * Methods: ``POST``, ``GET``, ``PUT``, ``DELETE``, ``PATCH`` #. Click ``Submit`` .. note:: The hostname value is the listener. This ``Gateway`` will be dedicated to the API FQDN, so we set this FQDN at the ``Gateway`` level. #. You might notice before submitting that NGINX Controller also gives you the ``API Spec`` call to create this gateway (via Postman for example): .. code-block:: JSON :caption: PUT /api/v1/services/environments/env_prod/gateways/apigw { "metadata": { "name": "apigw", "tags": [] }, "desiredState": { "ingress": { "uris": { "": {} }, "methods": [ "POST", "GET", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH" ], "placement": { "instanceRefs": [ { "ref": "/infrastructure/locations/unspecified/instances/nginx1" } ] } } } } | #. Congrats! You have configured your NGINX Plus instance as a ``Gateway``, and we can now use it for ADC or API management (as an API Gateway) use cases. .. image:: ../pictures/lab2/apigw.png :align: center