Step 6 - Publish API v3.0 ######################### The API Dev has now modified an existing endpoint. They modified the ``Locations`` micro-service in order to add a new JSON object for the coordinates of the location. To do so, they: * Created a new micro-service container image, with a new tag (v3.0): * Created a new version (v3.0) of the OAS spec file: As you can see in the OAS file v3.0, the ``/locations`` endpoint has a new JSON object: .. image:: ../pictures/lab3/oasv3.png :align: center .. warning:: Modifying an existing API endpoint means the API v2.0 will break. Any mobile application or API client using the ``/locations`` endpoint will receive an error if we don't create a dedicated version for this new API version. Steps to publish API v3.0 ************************* Deploy the new ``Locations`` v3.0 micro-service in k8s ====================================================== Let's deploy the ``Locations`` v3.0 micro-service! #. SSH (or Web) to the ``Docker (k3s + Rancher + ELK)`` VM. #. Run the following ``kubectl`` command in order to deploy the ``Locations`` micro-service and its k8s service: .. code-block:: bash sudo su kubectl apply -f /home/ubuntu/k3s/attributs_locations_v3.yaml -n api .. note:: As you can notice, this micro-service is deployed in the same ``NameSpace`` as the other ``Words`` micro-services (api), and the previous version of the ``Locations`` micro-service is still there, because it's currently used by clients. #. RDP to the ``Win10`` VM (user/user). #. Check in ``Rancher`` (admin/admin) that the new ``Deployment`` has been successful (both the ``Deployment`` and ``Service``) .. image:: ../pictures/lab3/rancher-deploy-locationv3.png :align: center .. image:: ../pictures/lab3/rancher-service-locationv3.png :align: center .. note:: Great! So now, the ``Location`` micro-service is running with 2 versions (v1.0) and (v3.0). Both versions are published through ``NodePort`` on 2 different ports: - Port 31103 for Locations v1/v2 - Port 31303 for Locations v3 | Create version 3.0 for the existing API Definition ==================================================== #. Connect to NGINX Controller, and enter in the APIs configuration section (Top left Nginx Logo menu -> Services -> APIs) #. Select your API Definition ``api-sentence``, and on the top right corner select ``Add Version``. .. image:: ../pictures/lab3/addversion.png :align: center #. Select ``OpenAPI Specification`` -> ``Copy and paste specification text``. #. Copy and paste the v3.0 OAS YAML content from .. note:: You can notice the version is automatically set to ``3.0`` .. image:: ../pictures/lab3/pasteoas.png :align: center #. Click ``Submit`` .. note:: You should now see on the right sidebar the new ``3.0`` version It is time to publish this new version of the API for a sample of clients (early access, beta ...) .. image:: ../pictures/lab3/version3.png :align: center | Publish version 3.0 of the API ============================== .. note:: This new API version will listen on a specific path (``/v3/``) in order to differentiate the ``Production API (v2.0)`` from this ``Early Access API (v3.0)``. #. Select the 3.0 API Definition, click on ``Add Published API``. Use the following values: .. image:: ../pictures/lab3/add-publish-v3.png :align: center #. Start by setting the ``Base Path``. This is the path to differentiate the various Published APIs. Set it to ``/v3`` and check the box ``Strip Base Path`` so that the API Gateway does not use the path to connect to the backend micro-services. .. image:: ../pictures/lab3/basepath.png :align: center * Name: ``api-sentence-v3`` * Click ``Next``. * Set the Environment, the App and the Gateway as with version 1.0. .. image:: ../pictures/lab3/deployment.png :align: center * Click ``Next`` #. Configure the ``Routing`` as with version 1.0 except for the ``location`` component which now routes the traffic to a different micro-service in k8s (listening on port 31303 instead of 31103 for v1.0). .. list-table:: List of all micro-services and their component configuration. :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Workload Group Name - Backend Workload URI * - cp-generator-v3 - wl-generator-v3 - * - cp-locations-v3 - wl-locations-v3 - * - cp-animals-v3 - wl-animals-v3 - * - cp-adjectives-v3 - wl-adjectives-v3 - * - cp-colors-v3 - wl-colors-v3 - #. Drag and drop each ``Path`` resource to the ``corresponding component``. .. image:: ../pictures/lab3/routingv3.png :align: center #. Click ``Submit`` #. Check if your ``Published API`` is green. If not, address any errors and re-submit. .. note:: The flag can take some time to become GREEN (due to resources limitations in UDF). If the flag is RED, wait few seconds, and re-submit your changes (refresh the page too). .. image:: ../pictures/lab3/green.png :align: center | Test the v3.0 (and v2.0) API deployments ======================================== Steps: #. RDP to the ``Win10`` VM (user/user). #. Open ``Postman`` and the ``API Sentence Generator v3`` collection. #. Send a request with the ``GET Colors v3`` call, and check the ``PATH``. Notice that the ``PATH`` starts with ``/v3``. It means the request is being routed by version 3 of the API Definition. .. code-block:: JSON [ { "id": 1, "name": "red" }, { "id": 2, "name": "blue" }, { "id": 3, "name": "green" }, { "name": "black", "id": 4 }, { "name": "yellow", "id": 5 } ] #. Send a request with the ``GET Locations v3`` call. This is the updated version of the ``location`` micro-service running in k8s. .. code-block:: JSON [ { "id": 2, "name": "park", "coordinates": [ -142.28261413, 53.28261413 ] }, { "id": 3, "name": "mountain", "coordinates": [ -110.28261413, 31.28261413 ] }, { "name": "valley", "coordinates": [ -123.10664756, 49.28261413 ], "id": 4 } ] .. note:: As you can see, we now have a new JSON object ``coordinates``, coming from the updated ``location`` micro-service. #. Send a request with the ``GET Locations`` call in the ``API Sentence Generator v1 and v2`` collection in order to test that version 2.0 is still up and running. .. code-block:: JSON [ { "id": 1, "name": "valley" }, { "id": 2, "name": "park" }, { "id": 3, "name": "mountain" } ] .. warning:: Congrats! You published v3.0 of your API and it's correctly being routed to the new ``locations`` micro-service! Furthermore, version 2.0 is still available for any "current" clients. Only the Early Access clients querying the ``/v3`` path get access to this new API.