Step 10 - Deploy an API Developer Portal ######################################## So far, we have only focused on deploying and securing our API Gateway. In the API Management world, there is yet another important topic for both API developers and API consumers, the ``API Developer Portal (DevPortal)``. An API DevPortal includes documentation on how to use any given API (e.g. sample requests/responses for each available endpoint). In this lab, we will deploy a dedicated NGINX Plus instance as an API DevPortal. .. note:: The API DevPortal can be deployed in an existing API Gateway instance, or a dedicated instance. The goal is to offer to both ``API developers`` and ``API consumers`` documentation on how to use the API Sentence app. | Install the NGINX Controller agent on the second NGINX Plus instance ******************************************************************** #. In NGINX Controller -> Select ``Home`` -> ``Infrastructure`` -> ``Instances`` #. Click ``Create`` -> ``Add an existing instance``. Use the following values: #. Enter a ``Name``, e.g. ``devportal``. #. Check the box ``Allow insecure server connections to NGINX Controller using TLS``. #. Copy the ``curl commmand`` in the command box: .. code-block:: bash curl -k -sS -L > && \ API_KEY='8c8adf4b5966f517203e578d51b16059' sh ./ -i devportal #. SSH (or WebSSH) to the ``Nginx-2 - DevPortal`` instance. This instance is an NGINX Plus instance, but it's not yet linked to NGINX Controller. #. Paste the ``curl`` command and execute it. Enter ``y`` at every confirmation prompt. #. After few seconds, the command will succeed and the instance will appear in NGINX Controller. .. image:: ../pictures/lab1/instances.png :align: center .. warning:: Wait till the status changes from ``Configuring`` to ``Running``. If the status is stuck in the ``Configuring`` state, force the NGINX Controller agent to restart in the ``Nginx-2`` as below: .. code-block:: bash sudo service nginx restart sudo service controller-agent restart | Create the NGINX DevPortal Gateway ********************************** As a reminder, an instance cannot be used alone. It needs to be part of a NGINX Controller ``Gateway``. #. In NGINX Controller -> Select ``Home`` -> ``Services`` -> ``Gateways`` -> ``Create``. Use the following values: * Name: ``devportal-gw`` * Environment: ``env_prod`` * Placement > Instance Refs: ```` * Hostnames: ``http://devportal.local`` #. Click ``Submit``