Create a Service Scaling Group Application ------------------------------------------ From your Super-NetOps terminal run “terraform output” and note the asg-lb and both web-sever-x values. You will need these values to create an application in Big-IQ and complete this task. .. code-block:: bash terraform output .. image:: ./images/1_elb_for_ssg_app.png :scale: 50% .. image:: ./images/1a_web_servers_for_ssg_app.png :scale: 50% From Big-IQ, Applications => APPLICATIONS => Create Application Select a Service Template - Template: Default-AWS-f5-HTTPS-WAF-lb-template General Properties - Name: app2 - Domain Names: Select a Traffic Service Environment - Environment: Select Service Scaling Group - Service Scaling Group: userXX-ssg1 created previously AWS ELB Settings - Name of Classic Load Balancer: cut and paste the terraform output asg-lb value here. - Listeners: TCP: 80 TCP: 80 - Listeners: TCP 443 TCP: 443 .. warning:: The AWS ELB must exist first for the Application deployment to succeed, but Big-IQ creates the listeners. If conflicting listeners exist (same protocol/port) then application deployment will fail. Click Create. .. image:: ./images/2_create_ssg_app_1.png :scale: 50% .. image:: ./images/2b_create_ssg_app_2.png :scale: 50% This step will create a virtual server with IP address and network mask From the Big-IQ terminal, track logs for warnings, errors and failures. .. code-block:: bash tail -f /var/log/restjavad.0.log .. image:: ./images/3_bigiq_tail_logs.png :scale: 50% After a few minutes, app2 has been created and marked with a green healthy icon. Note Security: Protection mode: Protected; Transparent. An LTM only deployment has no Protection mode indicated. You can see at a glance if the application has a WAF policy protecting it and whether the policy is in transparent or blocking mode. .. image:: ./images/4_app_deployed.png :scale: 50%