Conclusion ========== Thank you for your participation in the PC221GCP-Deploying-BIG-IP-in-GCP-F5-Failover-Extension lab. This Lab Guide has highlighted several notable features deploying BIG-IP into google cloud. It does not attempt to review all F5 google integration features and configurations but serves as an introduction to allow the student to further explore the BIG-IP platform and Access Policy Manager and google cloud integration with F5. Appendix and Troubleshooting ============================ #. How to delete a deployment… from jump box type. gcloud deployment-manager deployments delete NOTE… deployment deletion fails sometimes.. requires that storage bucket be deleted from inside the console. See below. .. code-block:: text Waiting for delete [operation-1577658115008-59adf2785a9bf-90292e3c-177ee45c]...failed. ERROR: (gcloud.deployment-manager.deployments.delete) Delete operation operation-1577658115008-59adf2785a9bf-90292e3c-177ee45c failed. Error in Operation [operation-1577658115008-59adf2785a9bf-90292e3c-177ee45c]: errors: - code: RESOURCE_ERROR location: /deployments/studentxdeployment/resources/f5-bigip-studentxdeployment-51958 message: '{"ResourceType":"storage.v1.bucket","ResourceErrorCode":"409","ResourceErrorMessage":{"code":409,"errors":[{"domain":"global","message":"The bucket you tried to delete was not empty.","reason":"conflict"}],"message":"The bucket you tried to delete was not empty.","statusMessage":"Conflict","requestPath":"","httpMethod":"DELETE"}}' #. List device name.. >list cm device #. Notes on configuring failover