Lab 3: Introduction to the F5 Cloud Failover Extension ====================================================== The purpose of this lab is to install the cloud failover extension after deploying your API based failover google cloud template. The F5 cloud failover extension has three main benefits: - Standardization: Failover patterns will look similar across all clouds. - Portability: You can leverage a variety of methods, including cloud-native templates, Terraform, and Ansible, to install and run CF. - Lifecycle and Supportability: You can upgrade BIG-IP without having to call F5 support to fix failover. Objective: ---------- - Gain an understanding of how the cloud failover extension is implemented in Google Cloud. Lab Requirements: ----------------- - Completed Lab1 "Deploying GDM Template" - Estimated completion time: 40 minutes Task – Send Failover Declaration wtih Postman to Each BigIP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Using Postman Post the the cloud declaration. Send two Declarations to each BIG-IP in my pair via Postman. (again following along with the documentation) 2. Install Postman if it is not already installed. The installer is located at. **"C:\\Users\\Public\\Public Documents"** 3. Open up postman. Disable SSL Certificate Verification in postman. This can be accmplished by going to File/Settings. |image017| 4. Import the Cloud Failover Extension API collection and configure the baseURL values. -To import the cloud Failover Extension API collection select File\\Import -**The collection file is called PostmanCollection.json** -**The collection file is located at** 5. EDIT The collection to modify the baseURL values. Hover over the Cloud Failover (CF) Extension collection and click the 3 dots on the bottom right and select "Edit". (See image) |image044| - Click on the variables tab - Set the Current value IP to be the IP of bigip1 - Set the Initial value IP to be the IP of bigip2 - Click the Update Button |image045| 6. Using Postman verify the CFE to ensure it is running correctly. **For Each BigIP** Using a RESTful API client like Postman, send a GET request to the URI https://{{host}}/mgmt/shared/cloud-failover/info to ensure Cloud Failover is running properly You should receive an expected response like the following after you have posted this declaration. :: { "version": "1.1.0", "release": "0", "schemaCurrent": "1.1.0", "schemaMinimum": "0.9.1" } _____ 7. **For Each BigIP** Using Postman, send a POST request to the URI https:///mgmt/shared/cloud-failover/declare **Modify the declaration within postman for your student number. Your particular student specific scoping address range and you student specific cloud failover label** ** Your student specific Next IP addresses... note these are "internal" self IP's on your BigIP ** Note. - The defaultNextHopAddresses should be the selfIP associated with your "internal network" - The deployment label should be "studentx" where x is your labuser number.. for instance "student28":: 9. **For Each BigIP** Using Postman, send a POST request to the URI https:///mgmt/shared/cloud-failover/declare **Note in the example declaration in the postman collection for google the "environment" value is "gce" this needs to be changed to "gcp"** **Modify the declaration within postman for you student number. Your particular student specific scoping address range and you student specific cloud failover label** ** Your student specific Next hop IP addresses... note these are "internal" self IP's on your BigIP ** Note. - The defaultNextHopAddresses should be the selfIP associated with your "internal network" - The deployment label should be "labuserx" where x is your labuser number.. for instance "labuser49":: { "class": "Cloud_Failover", "environment": "gcp", "externalStorage": { "scopingTags": { "f5_cloud_failover_label": "labuser49" } }, "failoverAddresses": { "scopingTags": { "f5_cloud_failover_label": "labuser49" } }, "failoverRoutes": { "scopingTags": { "f5_cloud_failover_label": "labuser49" }, "scopingAddressRanges": [ { "range": "" } ], "defaultNextHopAddresses": { "discoveryType": "static", "items": [ "", "" ] } }, "controls": { "class": "Controls", "logLevel": "info" }, "schemaVersion": "1.3.0" } Task – Create Route ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. In google create a student specific route. You will add the route under the Networking/VPC Network/Routes. **gcloud compute routes create labuser49 --destination-range= --network=internal-vpc-221 --next-hop-address= --description=f5_cloud_failover_labels={\\"f5_cloud_failover_label\\":\\"labuser49\\"}** - Route name: labuserx where x is your labuserid. - Label the description in the route with f5_cloud_failover_labels **f5_cloud_failover_labels={"f5_cloud_failover_label":"labuser49"}** where x is your labuser number. - Network: internal-vpc-221 - Destination IP - this will be a 10.1.x.x/29 network that will be unique to each student (see deploying GDM) template in lab1. - Next Hop: will be an IP address that is an internal self IP address on one of the instances that you deployed in lab1. The next HOP is the **selfIP on the active Unit** |image019| Task – Test ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Test Force the active unit to standby while tailing - tail –f /var/log/restnoded/restnoded.log on both machines. You should see something like the following in the log files.:: | Sat, 18 Jan 2020 19:28:35 GMT - info: [f5-cloud-failover] Performing failover - execute | Sat, 18 Jan 2020 19:28:36 GMT - info: [f5-cloud-failover] Performing Failover - discovery | Sat, 18 Jan 2020 19:28:37 GMT - info: [f5-cloud-failover] Performing Failover - update | Sat, 18 Jan 2020 19:28:42 GMT - info: [f5-cloud-failover] Update routes successful. | Sat, 18 Jan 2020 19:28:43 GMT - info: [f5-cloud-failover] Disassociate NICs successful. | Sat, 18 Jan 2020 19:28:49 GMT - info: [f5-cloud-failover] Associate NICs successful. | Sat, 18 Jan 2020 19:29:07 GMT - info: [f5-cloud-failover] Updated forwarding rules successfully | Sat, 18 Jan 2020 19:29:07 GMT - info: [f5-cloud-failover] Failover complete Also you should be able to observe the route that you created and see that the "next hop" value has changed to the selfIP on the other Big-IP. The lab is now Complete. ------------------------ .. |image015| image:: media/image15.png :width: 13.04in :height: 9.04in .. |image017| image:: media/image17.png :width: 17.4in :height: 10.78in .. |image018| image:: media/image18.png :width: 18.79in :height: 7.64in .. |image019| image:: media/image19.png :width: 7.89in :height: 9.42in .. |image044| image:: media/image44.png :width: 4.35in :height: 2.51in .. |image045| image:: media/image45.png :width: 11.22in :height: 9.06in