Subscribe to EC2 Instances ================================================================================ Before you can deploy EC2 virtual machine instances, you must **subscribe** to the instances that you want to use. #. Type ``marketplace`` in the AWS Console search box at the top of the page. | #. Click on **AWS Marketplace Subscriptions** from the search results. .. image:: ./images/aws-mkt-0.png :align: left | #. In the menu to the left, click on **Discover products**. If you do not see this menu, click on the |hamburger| (*hamburger*) menu icon first. #. Enter ``f5 advanced 25mbps`` in the **AWS Marketplace products** search box. #. Click on **F5 Advanced WAF with LTM, IPI, and Threat Campaigns (PAYG, 25Mbps)**. .. image:: ./images/aws-mkt-1.png :align: left | #. Click on **Continue to Subscribe**. .. image:: ./images/aws-mkt-2.png :align: left | #. If there isn't an existing entitlement, click on the **Accept Terms** button. Otherwise, skip to the next step. .. image:: ./images/aws-mkt-3.png :align: left .. note:: If you see an error message after clicking on the **Accept Terms** button, just click it again. .. image:: ./images/aws-mkt-error.png :align: left | When you are subscribed, you will see the **Effective Date** change from **Pending** to the current date. .. image:: ./images/aws-mkt-4.png :align: left | .. image:: ./images/aws-mkt-5.png :align: left For future reference, this is the link to the same EC2 subscription: |ec2-bigip| .. attention:: Ensure that the subscription is successful (not **pending**) before proceeding to the next section. #. Minimize your browser window (do not close it). You will return to it later. .. |hamburger| image:: ./images/aws-mkt-menu.png .. |ec2-bigip| raw:: html F5 Advanced WAF with LTM, IPI, and Threat Campaigns (PAYG, 25Mbps)