Check Status of F5 Automation Toolchain Extensions ================================================================================ You will configure and use the Postman client to query the F5 ATC extension APIs. Retrieve the Postman Configuration Files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The **~/f5lab/postman** folder contains two files: - f5lab_postman_collection.json - f5lab_postman_environment.json The collection file contains a set of API calls for this lab. The environment variables file was dynamically generated by Terraform using current deployment information (keys, IP addresses, etc). #. In the **VS Code** terminal, copy these files to the jump host desktop. .. code-block:: bash cp ~/f5lab/postman/* /mnt/c/Users/user/Desktop/ | You should now see two additional icons on the Windows desktop. Postman Configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #. Switch to the Postman window (re-launch it from the desktop shortcut if you closed it earlier). #. Click on the **gear** button (left of the **Sign In** button) and select **Settings**. #. Ensure that **SSL certificate verification** is set to **OFF** and then close the **Settings** dialog. .. image:: ./images/postman-ssl-cert-verification.png :align: left | #. In the left-panel, click on the **Import** button. .. image:: ./images/postman-import-1.png :align: left | #. Shift-click to select both Postman JSON files and drag them to the **import** dialog. .. image:: ./images/postman-import-2.png :align: left | #. The files will be listed in a table. Click on the **Import** button to continue. .. image:: ./images/postman-import-3.png :align: left | #. Confirm that the **Agility Lab - BIG-IP HA in Public Cloud** collection has been imported. .. image:: ./images/postman-import-4.png :align: left | #. Confirm the environment was successfully imported by selecting "**Agility Lab - Environment var...**" from the Environment drop-down menu in the upper-right-hand corner. .. image:: ./images/postman-import-5.png :align: left | Check F5 ATC Extensions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Send API calls from Postman to check the status of the **Declarative Onboarding** extension on each BIG-IP. #. In the left panel, expand the collection. Navigate to **Module 2 - Declarative Onboarding** > **DO-1-A [bigip1] Get extension status** #. Click on the **Send** button to make an API call to the DO endpoint on **BIG-IP #1**. You should receive a response (JSON format) containing version information. .. image:: ./images/postman-test-1.png :align: left | .. note:: Only the DO extension will return a **status**. The others will return only version information. | #. Send the **DO-1-B [bigip2] Get extension status** request to check the status of the DO extension on **BIG-IP #2**. | #. Send the **DO-2-A [bigip1] Get current config** request to retrieve the current DO configuration on **BIG-IP #1**. .. image:: ./images/postman-test-2.png :align: left | #. Scroll down in the response body JSON to see all of the configuration settings. These should be the same as those defined in the **f5_onboard_3nic_custom.tmpl** template file for **BIG-IP Runtime Init**. The settings should also correspond to the values that you saw in the BIG-IP TMUI and AWS EC2 (BIG-IP) instances. #. Do the same for **BIG-IP #2**. The other F5 ATC extensions (AS3, CFE, and TS) will be checked in later lab modules. #. Minimize the Postman window. You will use it again in a later lab module. | This is the end of the module.