F5 Telemetry Streaming to Google Cloud Operations Suiteā€™s Cloud Monitoring ============================================================================ In the previous lab, you should have generated some traffic that will appear in the GCP monitoring infrastructure. .. image:: ./images/webappexternal.png :scale: 60% :alt: Example app Now from the GCP Console, Services => type "Monitoring" in the search box, choose the first "Monitoring" option from the drop-down results. .. image:: ./images/TS_GCP_MonitoringSearch.png :scale: 60% :alt: Google Console Monitoring search From Monitoring on the side panel => Metrics explorer. .. image:: ./images/Lab4.2_GCloudConsoleMetricsExplorer.png :scale: 60% :alt: GCloud Metrics explorer Click on box below Resource & Metric, select VM Instance --> Custom --> custom/system/throughputPerformance/sysPerformanceThroughputClientBitsOut/average and press apply. .. image:: ./images/Lab4.2_GCloudConsoleSelectMetric.png :scale: 60% :alt: Gcloud Metrics Explorer select Metric .. image:: ./images/Lab4.2_GCloudConsoleMetricsExplorerGraph.png :scale: 60% :alt: Graph This may take a few minutes, but eventually you will see telemetry data start to be shown.