.. role:: red .. role:: bred Lab 4.2: Configure an Existing Application deployment through Guided Config --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the SSL Orchestrator dashboard view, select the :guilabel:`Topologies` tab (bottom) and click :guilabel:`Add`. - **Configuration review and prerequisites** - take a moment to review the topology options and workflow configuration, then click :guilabel:`Next`. - **Topology Properties** - **Name**: provide some name (ex. ":red:`existing_app_1`") - **Protocol**: :red:`TCP` - **IP Family**: :red:`IPv4` - **Topology**: select :red:`Existing Application` - Click :guilabel:`Save & Next` - **Services List** - there are no new services to create. - Click :guilabel:`Save & Next` - **Services Chain List** - there are no new service chains to create. - Click :guilabel:`Save & Next` - **Security Policy** - the security policy requirements are specific to each organization, though an inbound security policy would likely be less complex than an outbound policy. .. note:: SSL Orchestrator sends all traffic through an inline layer 3 or HTTP device in the same direction - entering through the service's "inbound" interface. It is likely, therefore, that the layer 3 device may not be able to correctly route both outbound (forward proxy) and inbound (reverse proxy) traffic at the same time. Please see the appendix, "Routing considerations for layer 3 devices" for more details. - Remove the built-in :red:`"Pinners_Rule"` rule. - Edit the "All Traffic" policy to add the :red:`sub_service_chain` with the FireEye and TAP services (only), and click :guilabel:`Save & Next`. - **Summary** - the summary page presents an expandable list of all of the workflow-configured objects. To expand the details for any given setting, click the corresponding arrow icon on the far right. To edit any given setting, click the corresponding pencil icon. Clicking the pencil icon will send the workflow back to the selected settings page. - When satisfied with the defined settings, click :guilabel:`Deploy`.