.. role:: red .. role:: bred Lab 6.1: Create an L3 Outbound service channel through Guided Configuration --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. note:: For this module, the inline proxy service simply needs external DNS access to UDP. - **Configuration review and prerequisites** - take a moment to review the topology options and workflow configuration, then click :guilabel:`Next`. - **Topology Properties** - **Name**: provide some name (ex. ":red:`proxy_sc_dns`") - **Protocol**: :red:`UDP` - **IP Family**: :red:`IPv4` - **Topology**: select :red:`L3 Outbound` - Click :guilabel:`Save & Next` - **Services List** - there are no new services to create. - Click :guilabel:`Save & Next` - **Services Chain List** - there are no new service chains to create. - Click :guilabel:`Save & Next` - **Security Policy** - service channel traffic cannot pass through the inspection services, so the security policy must be empty, with the "All Traffic" rule set to Allow, bypass SSL, and with no assigned service chain. - Click :guilabel:`Save & Next` - **Interception Rule** - Select Custom outbound rule type and click :guilabel:`Show Advanced Setting` (top right). - **Source Address** - this will be the source address of the inline proxy server. The proxy server's default route is through its outbound interface, so the source address in this case will be :red:``. - **Destination Address/Mask** - the destination address is the specific target service, in this case Google DNS at :red:``. - **Port** - this will be port :red:`53` for DNS. - **VLANs** - this will be the security service's outbound-side VLAN, so in this case the :red:`Proxy_out` VLAN. - **Protocol Settings (L7 Profile Type)** - select :guilabel:`None`. - **Protocol Settings (L7 Profile)** - select :guilabel:`None`. - Click :guilabel:`Save & Next` - **Summary** - the summary page presents an expandable list of all of the workflow-configured objects. To expand the details for any given setting, click the corresponding arrow icon on the far right. To edit any given setting, click the corresponding pencil icon. Clicking the pencil icon will send the workflow back to the selected settings page. - When satisfied with the defined settings, click :guilabel:`Deploy`. - **Test** - to verify the service channel is working, SSH to the proxy service and attempt to perform a DNS query to .. code-block:: bash dig @ www.example.com Assuming this works, the proxy service can be configured to use this DNS service. Additional service channels can be created to provide direct access to other applications. .. note:: A service channel works by creating a more specific listener on the destination side of the security service, based on some combination of source, destination, destination port and protocol (TCP/UDP). This can have adverse and unintentional effects if a service channel is defined too loosely. For example, if a service channel is simply defined with a destination IP (ex., port (443), and protocol (TCP), outbound user traffic legitimately trying to get to https://www.example.com will be incorrectly subverted through the service channel.