.. role:: red .. role:: bred Configure and test selective decryption by URL category ======================================================= This test will demonstrate that traffic to select URLs (Financial and Medical) are no longer decrypted. Enable SSL bypass ------------------ - Return to SSL Orchestrator Guided Configuration. - Click on the :red:`sslo_demoL3` topology. - In the configuration summary, find the row labeled :red:`Security Policy`, click on the pencil at the far right. Here, you will create a an additional rule for "Financial Data and Services" and "Health and Medicine" URL categories. .. image:: ../images/module1-30.png :scale: 100 % :align: center - Click :red:`Add` to create a new rule. - **Name** - provide a unique name for the rule (ex. ":red:`urlf_bypass`"). - **Conditions** - Select **Category Lookup (All)** from the drop-down list and then add the :red:`Financial Data and Services` and :red:`Health and Medicine` URL categories. Start typing the category name to narrow the list. .. NOTE:: The **Category Lookup (All)** condition provides categorization for TLS SNI, HTTP Connect and HTTP Host information. - **Action** - select :red:`Allow`. - **SSL Forward Proxy Action** - select :red:`Bypass`. - **Service Chain** - select the :red:`ssloSC_all_services` service chain. - Click :red:`OK`. .. image:: ../images/urlf-bypass.png :scale: 100 % :align: center Rule list after URL-based selective decryption .. image:: ../images/module1-28.png :scale: 100 % :align: center - Click :red:`Save & Next`. - Pause for a few seconds and the yellow banner shown below will appear at the very top of the :red:`Interception Rule` settings. .. image:: ../images/module1-22.png :scale: 100 % :align: center - Click :red:`Deploy`. Financial and medical site test --------------------------------- - Return to your Ubuntu client RDP session. - Open Chromium web browser on the outbound client system and navigate to https://bcbs.com. - Once the site opens in the browser, check the server certificate of the site. .. image:: ../images/module1-27.png :scale: 50 % :align: center **Notice that it now shows it is issued by a public CA (not SSL Orchestrator). This means that this traffic is not decrypted because it belongs to the Health and Medicine URL category.** - Try the same test for https://wellsfargo.com. This certificate should also be signed by a public CA, and therefore not decrypted, as it belongs to the Financial Data and Services URL category. .. image:: ../images/module1-26.png :scale: 50 % :align: center **This certificate should also be signed by a public CA, and therefore not decrypted, as it belongs to the Financial Data and Services URL category.** In the next section, you will review the SSL Orchestrator Dashboard.