.. role:: red .. role:: bred Test the new TAP service (optional - time permitting) ============================================================ One way to see if the security service is seeing decrypted traffic is to log into the console shell and run a tcpdump capture on the interface. A tcpdump capture usually requires *root* or *sudo* access. Let's check if we see clear-text data on the TAP device. - In the UDF UI, select the :red:`Access` drop down selection on the :red:`Ubuntu18.04 Services` VM, then select :red:`WEB SHELL`. - In the web shell window, perform a packet capture using :red:`tcpdump`. The client machine's IP address is :red:``. .. code-block:: bash sudo tcpdump -lnni br0 -Xs0 host - Browse to an HTTPS web site (e.g., https://www.cnn.com) from the :red:`Ubuntu18.04 Client` machine (RDP session) and notice that the TAP device is receiving traffic unencrypted. - Return to the web shell and press :red:`` to stop the tcpdump. .. ATTENTION:: This is the end of the lab. Be sure to check out the SSL Orchestrator 201 lab for more.