.. role:: red .. role:: bred Verify authentication is currently disabled ================================================================================ 1. Start a TMUI session on **SSL Orchestrator** and log in if prompted (*Components > SSL Orchestrator > ACCESS > TMUI*) |credentials_link| 2. From the Main menu on the left, select **Access > Overview > Active Sessions**. The following screen should appear. You should see an **Active Session Count** of **0** and that there are no sessions listed in the table. .. image:: ../images/active-sessions-none.png :alt: Active Sessions (None) .. important:: For this lab exercise, make sure you RDP into the **WINDOWS CLIENT** machine. This **WINDOWS CLIENT** machine is domain joined in order to test NTLM Authentication. The **Ubuntu18.04 Client** machine will be used later in the lab. 3. Start an RDP session to the **Windows Client** (*Systems > Windows Client > ACCESS > RDP*) .. image:: ../images/udf-windows-client-rdp.png :alt: Windows Client RDP Access 4. Open the RDP file to connect. 5. At the authentication prompt, click on **More choices** to show additional logon options. Then click on **Use a different account**. .. image:: ../images/windows-logon-1.png :alt: RDP Client Logon - Use a different account 6. Login in as user: ``F5LABS\mike`` with password: ``agility`` .. image:: ../images/windows-logon-2.png :alt: Windows Logon - domain\user and password 7. Accept any connection/security prompts. .. note:: Please be patient. The Windows machines are running with limited resources, so may be slow at times. 8. Using Chrome, browse to ``https:\\www.f5.com``. .. note:: Chrome is already configured to use the f5labs_explicit topology's proxy ( for Internet browsing. 9. Refresh the previously shown TMUI screen. You should still see an **Active Session Count** of **0**. .. |credentials_link| raw:: html Link to user credentials (opens in new browser tab)