.. role:: red .. role:: bred Verify that user information is being identified on the F5 SSL Orchestrator ================================================================================ 1. On the **Windows Client**, use Chrome to browse to ``https:\\www.f5.com``. 2. On SSL Orchestrator select, **Access > Overview > Active Sessions** from the Main menu on the left. You should now see an active session similar to the example below. |active-sessions-mike| .. tip:: Click the **Refresh Session Table** button if the table is empty 3. Click on the **View** link to the left of the username you are logged in with to see more attributes associated with that user's access session, including attributes retrieved from Active Directory, such as: memberOf, sAMAccountName, and userPrincipalName. |session-variables-mike| .. |active-sessions-mike| image:: ../images/active-sessions-mike.png :alt: Active Sessions .. |session-variables-mike| image:: ../images/session-variables-mike.png :alt: Mike's Session Variables