.. role:: red .. role:: bred Modify Existing Topology ================================================================================ Modify the existing **f5labs_explicit** topology so that it uses a different IP address and listens on an empty VLAN. The current IP address will be re-assigned to the topology steering virtual server in a later step. 1. From the Main menu on the left, select **SSL Orchestrator > Configuration** 2. In the Topology list click on **sslo_f5labs_explicit**. The topology summary screen will appear. 3. Click the edit icon (|pencil|) to the right of **Interception Rule** |topology-summary-IR-edit| 4. Change the **IPV4 Address** to ````. 5. In the **VLANs** section, remove **client-vlan** from the **Selected** column. 6. Add **yyy-vlan** to the **Selected** column. 7. Click **Save & Next** at the bottom of the screen .. image:: ../images/intercept-new-ip-vlan.png :alt: Proxy Server Settings - New IP and VLAN 8. The **Egress Settings** screen will load. Wait a moment for the yellow "Deploy" ribbon to appear. When it does, click the **Deploy** button (see example below). |egress-settings-deploy-ribbon| 9. Click **OK** to acknowledge the successful deployment. .. |topology-summary-IR-edit| image:: ../images/topology-summary-IR-edit.png :alt: Edit Interception Rule from Topology Summary .. |pencil| image:: ../images/pencil.png :width: 20px :height: 20px :alt: Pencil Icon .. |egress-settings-deploy-ribbon| image:: ../images/egress-settings-deploy-ribbon.png :alt: Deploy Ribbon on Egress Settings