.. role:: red .. role:: bred Layered Virtual Server and Topology Steering iRule ================================================================================ .. note:: The **SSLOLIBEXP** and **sslo-layering-exp-rule** files from the `f5devcentral/sslo-script-tools `_ Github repository have already been imported for you. You will review the contents of these iRules shortly. 1. Navigate to **Local Traffic > iRules > Datagroup List** to view the data groups. .. image:: ../images/dg-appservers_list-1.png :alt: View Data Groups 2. Click on the **appserver_list** data group to view the list of server subnets/addresses. Traffic from these source IPs will be directed to the **appserver_explicit** topology. Note that IP address **** is the **Ubuntu18.04 Client** machine (representing an application server). .. image:: ../images/dg-appservers_list-2.png :alt: Data Group: appservers_list 3. Navigate to **Local Traffic > iRules > iRules List** and review the two iRules. .. image:: ../images/internal-layered-irules-1.png :alt: Internal Layered Architecture iRules | The SSLOLIBEXP iRule contains functions that allow the topology steering rule to easily match on various attributes and then target specific SSL Orchestrator topologies. .. warning:: Do not modify the SSLOLIBEXP iRule. .. image:: ../images/irule-sslolib.png :alt: View SSLOLIBEXP iRule | The topology steering iRule contains your steering logic and defines the topology steering conditions. 4. Modify the **SSLO-layering-explicit** iRule with the following values: - **Line 21:** Replace ``interceptexp`` with ``f5labs_explicit`` (name of the original/existing L3 Explicit Topology). This defines the default SSL Orchestrator topology to use (if there is no other match). - Insert 2 blank lines after **line 41**. - Copy **line 45** into **line 42**. - **Line 42**: Uncomment this line by removing the '#' from the beginning of the line. - **Line 42**: Replace ``my-srcip-dg`` with ``appserver_list``. This defines the data group to check for source address matches. - **Line 42**: Replace ``bypassexp`` with ``appsvr_explicit`` (name of the new L3 Explicit Topology that you created in the previous section). This defines the topology to use if there is a source address match. .. attention:: Ensure that there are no typographical errors in the iRule, or it will not function properly. .. image:: ../images/irule-layering-explicit.png :alt: Changes to SSLO-Topology-Director iRule 5. Click on the **Update** button to save the iRule changes. | 6. Navigate to **Local Traffic > Virtual Servers > Virtual Server List** to create the topology steering virtual server. 7. Click on the **Create** button to add a new Virtual Server and configure the following settings: - **Name:** Enter ``Topology-Director_vs`` - **Type:** Leave the default - **Standard** - **Source:** Leave the default - empty - **Destination Address:** Enter ```` - **Destination Port:** Enter ``3128`` - **Protocol:** Leave the default - **TCP** - **HTTP Profile (Client):** Select **http-explicit-sslo** - **VLAN and Tunnel Traffic:** Select **Enabled On...** and then move **client-vlan** to the **Selected** column. - **Address Translation:** Uncheck to disable - **Port Translation:** Uncheck to disable - **iRule:** Move the **SSLO-layering-explicit** iRule to the **Enabled** column. .. image:: ../images/topology-director-vs-1.png :alt: | .. image:: ../images/topology-director-vs-1a.png :alt: | .. image:: ../images/topology-director-vs-1b.png :alt: | .. image:: ../images/topology-director-vs-1c.png :alt: | .. image:: ../images/topology-director-vs-1d.png :alt: 8. Click on **Finished** to create the new virtual server.