.. role:: red .. role:: bred Test Layered SSL Orchestrator Topology Deployment ================================================================================ Test Internet access from the two *client* machines to verify that the internal layered SSL Orchestrator deployment is working as intended. Application Server Test ------------------------ Traffic from source addresses matching the **appserver_list** data group will be sent through the **appserver_explicit** topology. 1. Start an RDP session to the **Ubuntu 18.04 CLient** (Components > Ubuntu18.04 Client > ACCESS > XRDP) .. image:: ../images/udf-ubuntu-client-rdp.png :alt: UDF Ubuntu Client RDP - When prompted, save the RDP file to your local machine and then open it to connect. - At the Ubuntu Login prompt, click on the **OK** button to continue. .. image:: ../images/udf-ubuntu-client-rdp2.png :alt: UDF Ubuntu XRDP .. tip:: If your previous RDP session timed out, refer to |credentials| for the **student** user password. 2. Launch the **Firefox** web browser. Recall that the browser was configured to use **** as its Internet proxy. Since the new **Topology Director virtual server** is now listening on that address and on the **client-vlan** VLAN, it will accept the explicit proxy connections from the web browser and steer the traffic according to the logic defined in the iRule. 3. Browse to a financial website (ex: Bank of America) and check the certificate that was received. The issuer should be **subrsa.f5labs.com** since the **appserver_explicit** topology does not bypass TLS decryption for financial websites. .. note:: You do not want this behavior for corporate user traffic since it may cause employee privacy concerns. 4. Browse to https://www.eicar.org/?page_id=3950 and attempt to download the **eicar_com.zip** malware test file. .. image:: ../images/test-eicar-download.png :alt: Eicar malware download test 5. The request should be blocked by the antivirus service. .. image:: ../images/test-eicar-blocked.png :alt: Eicar malware download test 6. In the SSL Orchestrator TMUI, check **Access > Overview > Active Sessions**. Since user authentication is not enabled for the **appserver_explicit** topology, there should be no new sessions listed (except for possibly the user **mike** who logged in from the **Windows Client** machine earlier). .. image:: ../images/test-apm-ubuntu.png :alt: APM user sessions Corporate User Test -------------------- All of the traffic that doesn't match the application server conditions (i.e., source address matching the **appserver_list** data group) will flow through the default **f5labs_explicit** topology. 7. If there is an active session for user **mike**, remove it: - Click on the checkbox in the first column to select the session. - Click on the **Kill Selected Sessions** button. .. image:: ../images/active-sessions-mike-remove-1.png :alt: Delete APM user session - Click on the **Delete** button of the confirmation page. .. image:: ../images/active-sessions-mike-remove-2.png :alt: Confirm delete 8. RDP to the **Windows Client** machine. |credentials_link| 9. Launch the **Chrome** web browser. Recall that the browser was configured to use **** as its Internet proxy. Since the new **Topology Director virtual server** is now listening on that address and on the **client-vlan** VLAN, it will accept the explicit proxy connections from the web browser and steer the traffic according to the logic defined in the iRule. 10. Browse to a financial website (ex: Bank of America) and check the certificate that was received. The issuer should **NOT** be **subrsa.f5labs.com** since the **f5labs_explicit** topology bypasses TLS decryption for financial websites. 11. Browse to https://www.eicar.org/?page_id=3950 and attempt to download the **eicar_com.zip** malware test file. The request should **NOT** be blocked by the ClamAV antivirus service since it is not in the service chain for the **f5labs_explicit** topology. .. image:: ../images/test-eicar-download.png :alt: Eicar malware download .. note:: When the malware test file is downloaded to the **Windows Client** machine, the local antivirus software will block it. You will see a notification for that. .. image:: ../images/test-eicar-download-defender.png :alt: Eicar malware download 12. In the SSL Orchestrator TMUI, check **Access > Overview > Active Sessions**. There should be a user session listed for user **mike**. .. image:: ../images/test-apm-windows.png :alt: APM user sessions | .. attention:: This is the end of the lab module. .. |ff-menu| image:: ../images/ff-menu.png :width: 14px :height: 14px :alt: Firefox Menu .. |credentials| raw:: html User Credentials .. |credentials_link| raw:: html Link to user credentials (opens in new browser tab)