.. role:: red .. role:: bred Validate WAFaaS ================================================================================ Let's take a look to see if our WAFaaS is providing the protection that we are looking for. 1. RDP back into the **Ubuntu Client 18.04**. (Components > Ubuntu18.04 Client > ACCESS > XRDP) |udf-ubuntu-client-rdp| 2. When prompted, save the RDP file to your local machine and then open it to connect. 3. At the Ubuntu Login prompt, click on the OK button to continue. |udf-ubuntu-client-rdp2| .. tip:: If the RDP session times out, refer to the `User Credentials `_ for the **student** user password. 4. Open the Firefox browser 5. Click on the Juiceshop bookmark on the browser bar |juiceshop-bookmark| 6. Accept the security risk by clicking **Advanced** and **Accept the Risk and Continue**. This is due to the BIGIP using a self-signed certificate. .. image:: ../images/certificate-risk.png Now we will try the same simple SQL injection attack that we used at the beginning of this lab. .. image:: ../images/juiceshop-rdp.png 7. Copy and Paste the following path in your browser's location bar after .. code-block:: none /rest/products/search?q=qwert%27%29%29%20UNION%20SELECT%20id%2C%20email%2C%20password%2C%20%274%27%2C%20%275%27%2C%20%276%27%2C%20%277%27%2C%20%278%27%2C%20%279%27%20FROM%20Users-- 8. The browser's location bar should look like this: .. code-block:: none 9. The SQL-Injection attack has been successfully blocked by the WAF policy attached to your inbound topology. .. image:: ../images/SQL-Injection-blocked.png Let's look at the WAF logs to see where F5 Advanced WAF blocked our SQL-Injection attack. 10. Accessing the BIG-IP, on the left side bar menu goto **Security>>Event Logs>>Application>>Requests**. Click on one of the log entries that has **/rest/products/search**. .. image:: ../images/WAF-Logs1.png 11. Lots of good information on this page regarding the attack. We can see that it was a SQL-Injection attack that was blocked, where it came from and even see the decoded attack. .. image:: ../images/WAF-logs-blocked.png LAB COMPLETE!! .. |udf-ubuntu-client-rdp| image:: ../images/udf-ubuntu-client-rdp.png :alt: RDP into Ubuntu Client .. |udf-ubuntu-client-rdp2| image:: ../images/udf-ubuntu-client-rdp2.png :alt: RDP into Ubuntu Client .. |juiceshop-bookmark| image:: ../images/juiceshop-bookmark.png :alt: Click on Juiceshop bookmark