Review Ansible Variables File ================================================================================ An Ansible variables file was created by the accompanying Terraform from a previous lab exercise. Copy the variables file from the Terraform working directory to the Ansible working directory: .. code-block:: bash cp ../terraform-aws-sslo/ansible_vars.yaml . Review these files with **Visual Studio Code (VSCode)** by executing the following: .. code-block:: bash code . *'code' + + * Wait for VSCode to launch and display the file list in the left panel. Click on **ansible_vars.yaml** to view the file. VSCode provides YAML syntax highlighting to help with format validation and readability. .. image:: ./images/ansible-2.png :align: left | Variables are set as follows: .. list-table:: **Variables File** :header-rows: 1 :widths: auto * - Variable - Description * - ansible_host - The public IP address of BIG-IP (SSL Orchestrator) * - ansible_httpapi_password - The 'admin' user password of BIG-IP (SSL Orchestrator) * - snort1_host - The **TO Service** IP address of the first L3 inspection device * - snort2_host - The **TO Service** IP address of the second L3 inspection device * - webapp_pool - The private IP address of the Wordpress application server * - sslo_vip - The private IP address of the BIG-IP (SSL Orchestrator) Virtual Server