Appendix 2 - About the Consolidated Services Architecture ================================================================================ The consolidated architecture vastly reduces the resources used in the UDF environment by consolidating the security services onto a single Ubuntu server instance using Docker. The project is detailed here: **Layer 3**, **HTTP**, **ICAP** security services, plus **web** and **Juiceshop** servers are created as Docker containers via a Docker Compose file. The **layer 2** and **TAP** services are hosted directly on the Ubuntu host with dedicated interfaces. To verify that the container services are running, SSH to the Ubuntu server instance and issue the following command: .. code-block:: bash docker ps There should be several services running, including: - **SSL Orchestrator security services** - ICAP service: deepdiver/icap-clamav-service - Layer 3 service: nsherron/suricata - HTTP service: sameersbn/squid:3.5.27-2 - **Web application** (for inbound testing) - Apache web application: httpd:2.4 - **Guacamole** (for web-based RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) access to the client workstation) - guacamole/guacamole - guacamole/guacd - postgres:13.4-buster - **OWASP Juice Shop** (for web vulnerability testing) - nginx:alpine - bkimminich/juice-shop If this is not the case, or there are other issues, it may be easiest to delete and recreate the entire Docker Compose environment to return to a pristine deployment: .. code-block:: bash cd /home/ubuntu/build/sslo-consolidated-services-main/udf ./ This script will destroy all containers and images, then re-download the images and rebuild new containers. Should you need to log into any of the Docker container services directly: - ICAP service (Clamav): ``docker exec -it icap /bin/bash`` - HTTP service (explicit proxy): ``docker exec -it explicit-proxy /bin/bash`` - Layer 3 service (Suricata): ``docker exec -it layer3 /bin/bash`` - Web server (Apache): ``docker exec -it apache /bin/bash`` - Juice Shop: ``docker exec -it nginx /bin/sh``