Deleting Configuration via API ================================================================================ Delete the Application, Policy, Service Chain, and Inspection Service -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will now use the API to remove the configuration that you created. As a general rule, objects must be deleted in order of their dependencies. The following order of operations is prescribed below: - CM Login - **GET** Application Service & Deployment IDs (multiple items in response) - Un-deploy the Application Service from the BIG-IP Next instance - Delete the Application Service - **GET** SSLO Policy IDs (multiple items in response) - Delete the SSL Orchestrator policy - **GET** SSLO Service Chain IDs (multiple items in response) - Delete the SSL Orchestrator Service Chain - Get BIG-IP Instance ID - **GET** SSLO Inspection Service IDs (multiple items in response) - Un-deploy the Inspection Service from the BIG-IP Next instances - Delete the Inspection Service API requests matching the above tasks are saved in the **Delete SSLO Deployment** Collections folder. .. note:: The above **GET** API requests can return multiple objects in the response. The **test scripts** in these API requests populate variables using the object **id** retrieved from the first element (index 0) in the response. However, the objects created via the API might not appear as the first element in the response. In that case, you will need to modify the **test scripts** to pick the correct object **id** based on its position in the response and re-send the API call to update the environment variable. .. image:: ./images/delete-1.png #. **Send** each API request in the order listed to remove the previously deployed SSL Orchestrator deployment. Don't forget to update the **test script** (in the relevant **GET** API calls). | .. attention:: This is the end of the lab module.