ThreatML ======== .. image:: _static/_threatML_Widget.gif Threat Stack with ThreatML predicts the behavior of your infrastructure through two different data models. These data models collect 30 days of specific information from your infrastructure to create a baseline of normal, predictable behavior. After ThreatML establishes a baseline, once per day it compares your baseline to your current infrastructure and reports any behavior that deviates from the models' predictions as anomalous. .. attention:: **Challenge 1** – *Review Anomalies* 1. Navigate to the Threat Stack Cloud Security Platform: 2. In the Email field, type **** as the email address and click Next. 3. In the Password field, type **xxxxxxx** as the password and click Next. 4. Select **threatML** in the navigation bar or **View Anomalies** from the Dashboard .. note:: Access to the Threat Stack Cloud Security Platform® is managed by the Lab Members.