Last updated on: 2023-05-31 20:07:09.

Lab 1 - Expose the private Arcadia application through the Mesh Node only (CE-Only)

For this lab, as the Mesh Node is shared between all SE/Students, we will use a fake FQDN/DNS for your LB. There is one DNS provided by Azure, but so that all of SE/Students can push their own HTTP LB, each of you will use a fake FQDN for the LB. You will add a new entry in your Host file in order to target the Azure Mesh Node LB public IP addess.

FYI, the public Azure IP address of the node is:

  • For EMEA-SE tenant
  • For F5-EMEA-WORKSHOP tenant
  • For F5-CHANNEL tenant

Create a HTTP LB and expose it on the Mesh Node only

If you understand correctly this use case, we want the WAAP policy applied on a HTTP LB exposed on the Mesh Node in Azure only. We don’t want the users/consumers to transit through the F5XC Global Network.

  • Create a new HTTP LB - NOT A HTTPS LB.

  • For the FQDN, use this convention arcadia-<se_name_or_student_id>

  • Select the Origin Pool used and created in the previous lab. The private Origin Pool.

  • Expose this LB on the corresponding site (based on your tenant)

    Tenant Site name
    EMEA-SE tenant demo-waap-emea
    F5-EMEA-WORKSHOP tenant emea-azure-node
    F5-CHANNEL tenant azure-emea-waap
    • In VIP Configuration, enable Show Advanced Fields
    • Advertise Custom
    • Create a new custom config (show advanced fields)
    • Select the site according above table and expose on outside interface (the one exposed by the Azure LB)
  • Assign your WAAP policy

Modify you Host file entries

  • Modify your host file in order to target the right Azure IP address (look at above which address to use based on your Tenant) for the FQDN created arcadia-<se_name>

Test your CE-Only lab

  • As previous labs, connect to your LB and send attacks


As you can notice, in the 3 use cases, we keep consistancy with one WAAP policy whereever the LB or the App reside.