Last updated on: 2023-05-31 20:07:09.

Lab 2 - Deploy the app in Azure AKS and expose it on Volterra Global Network


Deploy an AKS in Azure


Check your AZ CLI is up and running in the right Tenant (F5 Sales) and Subscription (f5-AZR_4261_SALES_EMEA_SE - 1005fe30-e19e-4091-8480-8b61ecb8106e).

  • az account list
"cloudName": "AzureCloud",
"homeTenantId": "e569f29e-b098-4cea-b6f0-48fa8532d64a",
"id": "1005fe30-e19e-4091-8480-8b61ecb8106e",
"isDefault": true,
"managedByTenants": [
    "tenantId": "dd3dfd2f-6a3b-40d1-9be0-bf8327d81c50"
"name": "f5-AZR_4261_SALES_EMEA_SE",
"state": "Enabled",
"tenantId": "e569f29e-b098-4cea-b6f0-48fa8532d64a",
"user": {
  "name": "",
  "type": "user"
  • If needed, you can switch to the EMEA-SE subs : az account set –subscription “f5-AZR_4261_SALES_EMEA_SE”

  • Clone this Git to your laptop (dev branch) :

  • In the dev branch, enter to the folder labs-content/class3/terraform

  • Modify according your project.


    Volterra does not support objects > 64 characters. So, use short name in your prefix and cluster name. 10 characters max per variable.

    variable "resource_prefix" {
    default = "Matt"
    variable "cluster_name" {
    default     = "akscluster"
    description = "K8S Cluster for Matt"
    variable "location" {
    default     = "westeurope"
    description = "The Azure Region in which all resources in this example should be provisioned"
    variable "vm_size" {
    default     = "Standard_B2ms"
    description = "2 vpus, 8 GiB memory"
  • Deploy your Terraform plan

    terraform init
    terraform plan
    terraform apply


    Do not close your terminal, because the outcomes will be used in the next step to download your kubeconfig

  • Get your kubeconfig file from yoru Azure AKS :

    az aks get-credentials --resource-group <YOUR-RG> --name <YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME> --file kubeconfig-myname

Publish the App without Colors microservice

  • Use your favorite k8s client (kubectl, Lens …) and connect to your cluster
  • Deploy the 2 manifests to publish the sentence app on your AKS
    • Deploy labs-content/class3/k8s-deployments/aks-sentence-deployment.yaml
    • Deploy labs-content/class3/k8s-deployments/aks-sentence-deployment-nginx.yaml


Wait few seconds, and try to connect to the Azure LB created by the manifest


Expose the app with F5 Distributed Cloud

  • DELETE the labs-content/class3/k8s-deployments/aks-sentence-deployment-nginx.yaml manifest so that we can now push the same without a LB
  • PUSH the labs-content/class3/k8s-deployments/aks-sentence-deployment-nginx-private.yaml manifest


Check the LB service is deleted. If not, delete it manually.


Now, Sentence app is not published externally. A voltNode is required to access the app.

Deploy a new Azure Vnet Site

  • First, in Azure Portal, create a new Subnet in your Vnet. The Terraform only created one Subnet ( This subnet is our private subnet.

    • Create a new subnet in the same Vnet ( Name it aks-subnet-public.
  • Deploy a Azure VNET Volterra Node (Dual NIC) and assign the existing private and public subnets from your AKS Vnet.


    The resource group must be a new resourve group. You can’t use an existing one.

    ../../../_images/azure-site.png ../../../_images/subnet.png
    • For the Cloud Credentials, select azure-emea-se
    • Paste your public SSH key in case you need to connect to it for troubleshooting
  • Apply the Azure Vnet Site

  • WAIT and upgrade the node from the VotlConsole if required.

Discover the services

  • Create a service discovery

    • Select your site, select site local inside network and upload your kubeconfig file
    • In VIP Publishing Configuration settings, Don’t forget to publish fully qualified domain to VIP mapping


    There is a known bug here, this can take up to 15 minutes to display the services.

  • You should see all services + nginx as a nodeport


Create an Global Load Balancer and expose Sentence App

  • Create an Origin Pool with Nginx Frontend webserver as a member

    • Select k8s service type
    • Enter service name (copy paste from service discovery)
    • Select Inside network
    • Port 80 (port of the service in K8S)


    Team discussion : How does Volterra manage to find the right back-end pool member (analogy to BIG-IP) ??? Check the LB and origin pool status.

  • Create an LB to expose the Nginx Frontend webserver

    • Domain : sentence-<myname>
    • HTTPS auto-cert
    • Select your Origin Pool


Test your deployment