WAF 201 – Elevated WAF Security ================================================================================= This class will focus on a best practice approach to elevating your WAF protection after becoming comfortable with the content in the 102 "Getting Started" class. This is the 3rd class in a three-part, guided lab series (WAF 101, 102, and 201) based on: `Succeeding with Application Security `_ which closely maps to this visualization of layered Application Security. .. image:: images/attackfilters.png :width: 800 px :align: center Here is a complete listing of all F5 Advanced WAF classes offered at this year's Agility event. * WAF 101 – Protect yourself against the OWASP Top 10 * WAF 102 – Getting started with WAF, Bot Defense and Threat Campaigns * WAF 201 – Elevated WAF Security * WAF 301 – AWAF in a CI/CD Pipeline (Self Guided) Following the Agility conference you can visit `clouddocs.f5.com `_ to continue your education and create your own test lab environment. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Contents: :glob: labinfo/labinfo module*/module*