Lab 2.2: Data Guard =================== .. |lab2.2-1| image:: images/lab2.2-1.png :width: 800px .. |lab2.2-2| image:: images/lab2.2-2.png :width: 800px .. |lab2.2-3| image:: images/lab2.2-3.png :width: 800px .. |lab2.2-4| image:: images/lab2.2-4.png :width: 800px .. |lab2.2-4a| image:: images/lab2.2-4a.png :width: 800px .. |lab2.2-5| image:: images/lab2.2-5.png :width: 800px .. |lab2.2-6| image:: images/lab2.2-6.png :width: 800px DataGuard is a DLP-like feature of ASM that can prevent harmful data leakage from your application in the event of a successful attack. It can also be used to help prevent users from entering certain types of data that should not be stored in a particular system. This feature should be deployed with care as it has the potential to break applications if applied too broadly. Task 1 - Configure DataGuard ---------------------------- #. From within your existing ASM policy, navigate to **Security -> Application Security -> Data Guard**. #. Click the **checkbox** to enable DataGuard, then click **Save**. |lab2.2-1| #. Navigate to **Security -> Application Security -> Policy Building -> Learning and Blocking Settings**. #. Use the **search box** to find the ``Data Guard`` section and disable blocking: |lab2.2-2| #. Click **Save**. #. Click **Apply Policy** . .. note:: Deploying DataGuard too pervasively can have a negative performance impact on your system. In a production environment we typically recommend deploying DataGard against specific URLs where possible. Task 2 - Test DataGuard ----------------------- #. Open a new private browsing window in **Firefox** and login as to Juiceshop #. Navigate to **Account > Orders & Payment > My saved addresses** |lab2.2-3| #. Add a new address choosing values for the field and placing something that looks like a US Social Security number in the name field. |lab2.2-4| #. Click submit and you will see your save address with the all but the last 4 digits of the name value replaced with \*\*\*\* |lab2.2-4a| .. note:: You can also use PCRE to define custom patterns for obfuscation. Feel free to experiment with this as it can have interesting consequences for the application (intentional or otherwise). **This concludes section 2.2**