Last updated on: 2024-04-23 04:45:25.

OpenShift 4.12 and F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services (CIS) User-Guide for Standalone BIG-IP using OVN-Kubernetes iCNI with NO Tunnels

This document demonstrates how to use OVN-Kubernetes with F5 BIG-IP Routes to Ingress traffic without using an Overlay. Using OVN-Kubernetes with F5 BIG-IP Routes removes the complexity of creating VXLAN tunnels or using Calico. This document demonstrates Standalone BIG-IP working with OVN-Kubernetes. The diagram below demonstrates an OpenShift Cluster with three master, and three worker nodes. Three applications: tea, coffee and mocha are deployed in the cafe namespace.


Configuration Steps


The configuration below has been validated on OCP versions 4.11 and 4.12.

Step 1: Deploy OpenShift using OVNKubernetes

Deploy the OpenShift Cluster with networkType set to OVNKubernetes. Change the default to OVNKubernetes in the install-config.yaml before creating the cluster. From OpenShift 4.12, by default networkType is OVNKubernetes.

Step 2: Deploy extended ConfigMap

Using extended ConfigMap

  • Extended ConfigMap provides control to the admin to create and maintain the resource configuration centrally.
  • namespace: cafe, vserverAddr:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
    name: extended-cm
    namespace: kube-system
        f5nr: "true"
    extendedSpec: |
        - namespace: cafe
          vserverName: cafe
          allowOverride: true

Deploy extended ConfigMap

oc create -f global-cm.yaml

ConfigMap repo

Step 3: Deploy CIS

F5 BIG-IP Controller Ingress Services (CIS) is called the Next Generation Route Controller. The Next Generation Route Controller extended F5 CIS to use multiple Virtual IP addresses. Previously, F5 BIG-IP CIS could only manage one Virtual IP address per CIS instance.

Add the following parameters to the CIS deployment:

  • Routegroup specific config for each namespace is provided as part of extendedSpec through ConfigMap.
  • ConfigMap info is passed to CIS with the argument --extended-spec-configmap="namespace/configmap-name"
  • Controller mode should be set to openshift enabling multiple VIP support --controller-mode="openshift"
  • Configure --static-routing-mode=true to enable static routes on BIG-IP so that traffic can be directly route to pods. Option configurable from CIS 2.13 and above.
  • Configure -orchestration-cni=ovn-k8s to configure CIS with ovn-kubernetes CNI. Option configurable from CIS 2.13 and above.

See also

The k8s-bigip-ctlr documentation for information about all config options

args: [

Deploy CIS in OpenShift

oc create secret generic bigip-login -n kube-system --from-literal=username=admin --from-literal=password=<secret>
oc create -f bigip-ctlr-clusterrole.yaml
oc create -f f5-bigip-ctlr-deployment.yaml

CIS repo

Step 4: Verify BIG-IP Static Routes

CIS provisions static routes on BIG-IP using the deployment parameter. For example --static-routing-mode=true

View static routes created on BIG-IP with node subnets assigned for the three worker nodes in the OpenShift cluster.

The below image captures various static routes created on BIG-IP with CIS configuration --static-routing-mode=true and --shared-static-routes=true.


Setup complete! Deploy CIS and create OpenShift Routes

Step 5: Creating OpenShift Routes for

User-case for the OpenShift Routes:

  • Edge Termination
  • Backend listening on PORT 8080

Create OpenShift Routes:

oc create -f route-tea-edge.yaml
oc create -f route-coffee-edge.yaml
oc create -f route-mocha-edge.yaml

Routes repo


Step 1: Validate OpenShift Routes using the BIG-IP


Step 2: Validate OpenShift Virtual IP using the BIG-IP


Step 3: Validate OpenShift Routes policies on the BIG-IP


Step 4: Validate OpenShift Routes policies by connecting to the Public IP



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