Configuration Parameters

All of the configuration parameters below are global.


Parameter Type Required Default Description Allowed Values Agent Minimum supported version
http-listen-address String Optional “” Address at which to serve HTTP-based information (for example, /metrics, health) to Prometheus.   Both AS3 and CCCL  
node-poll-interval Integer Optional 30 Interval at which CIS monitors node member to update BIG-IP. This helps in add/delete node info in BIG-IP.   Both AS3 and CCCL  
python-basedir String Optional /app/python Path to the python utilities directory.   CCCL  
schema-db-base-dir String Optional file:///app/vendor/src/f5/schemas Path to the directory containing the F5 schema db.   CCCL  
verify-interval Integer N/A 30 In AS3 mode: Interval at which NET config is synced to BIG-IP. In CCCL mode: Interval at which both LTM and NET config is synced to BIG-IP.  


For AS3, only NET

vs-snat-pool-name String Optional N/A Name of the SNAT pool that all virtual servers will reference (format: /Common/<SNAT pool>). If it is not set, virtual servers use automap SNAT.   CCCL  
agent String Optional AS3 Specify the agent for CIS to communicate with BIG-IP. AS3, CCCL    
version Boolean Optional false Print CIS version.   Both AS3 and CCCL  
custom-resource-mode Boolean Optional false

Specify to process CRD resources.

When true ConfigMaps, Routes, and Ingress are not processed by CIS.

  AS3 2.0.0
ipam Boolean Optional false Specify if CIS provides the ability to interface with F5 IPAM Controller (FIC).   AS3 2.3.0
ipam-cluster-label String Optional N/A Valid for Infoblox IPAM provider only. Prepends the value of this label to form the key. Generally advised to use in MultiCluster Environment.   AS3 2.3.0
ipam-namespace String Optional kube-system Specify the namespace of ipam custom resource. Default value is kube-system.   AS3 2.3.0
disable-teems Boolean Optional false If true, analytics data is not sent to F5.   Both AS3 and CCCL 2.5.0
hubmode Boolean Optional false If true, ConfigMaps with Services in same and different namespace are processed. Available with CIS version 2.5.0+. true, false AS3 2.5.0
default-route-domain Int Optional 0 Set default Route Domain for Custom resources.   AS3 2.4.0
filter-tenants Boolean Optional false Specify to use tenant filtering API for AS3 declaration. This allows CIS to process each AS3 Tenant separately. Compatible with ConfigMap only. true, false AS3 2.7.0
enable-ipv6 Boolean Optional false When set to true, it enables IPv6 network support. Available with CIS version 2.7.0+. true, false AS3 2.7.0
cccl-gtm-agent String Optional true Option to configure GTM objects using CCCL or AS3 Agent. Default Agent is CCCL. true, false AS3 and CCCL 2.11.0
http-client-metrics Boolean Optional false Adds HTTP client metric (Prometheus) instrumentation for the k8s-bigip-ctlr. true, false AS3 2.12.0
static-routing-mode Boolean Optional false Adds Static Routes on the BIGIP so that traffic can be directly route to the pods. (Without tunnels) true, false AS3 2.13.0
orchestration-cni String Optional flannel Kubernetes Cluster CNI Name cilium-k8s, flannel,ovn-k8s, antrea AS3 2.13.0
shared-static-routes Boolean Optional false When set to true, static routes are created on the /Common partition, which can be valid only when static-routing-mode is enabled. true, false AS3 2.14.0
static-route-node-cidr String Optional N/A Specify the node network cidr to be used for static routing when the node has multiple interfaces This is supported only with CNI ovn-k8s Any valid cidr eg: AS3 2.15.0
controller-mode String Optional   Required parameter for NextGen route processing openshift AS3 2.12.0
pod-graceful-shutdown Boolean Optional false Specify whether the pod should undergo a graceful shutdown or not. true, false AS3 2.17.1
load-balancer-class String Optional “” CIS considers services only that matches the specified class. CIS will ignore services that have this field set and does not match with the provided load-balancer-class.   AS3 2.18.0
manage-load-balancer -class-only Boolean Optional false

If set to true, CIS processes all load balancer services with loadBalancerClass only.

If set to false, CIS process all the load balancer service without loadBalancerClass and service that have the loadBalancerClass specified by the load-balancer-class parameter.

true, false AS3 2.18.0


  • The python-basedir setting lets you specify the path to an alternate python agent that can bridge between the CIS and F5 CCCL.
  • The time it takes for the CIS to reapply the system configurations to the BIG-IP device is normally low (a few ms) and won’t cause service disruption.
  • Use vs-snat-pool-name if you want virtual servers to reference a SNAT pool that already exists in the /Common partition on the BIG-IP device. See Overview of SNAT features on AskF5 for more information.
  • CIS must be configured with --agent=as3 and --custom-resource-mode=true to interface with F5 IPAM Controller.
  • --custome-resource-mode=true is required to process the custom resources and --controller-mode=openshift is required to process the route and policy resources. Both are mutually exclusive parameters.


Parameter Type Required Default Description Allowed Values Agent
log-level String Optional INFO Log level INFO, DEBUG, AS3DEBUG CRITICAL, WARNING, ERROR Both AS3 and CCCL
cccl-log-level String Optional N/A CCCL log level INFO AS3 (CIS > 2.6
log-as3-response Boolean Optional false When set to true, adds the body of AS3 API response in Controller logs. true or false AS3
log-file String Optional N/A File path to store the CIS logs.   Both AS3 and CCCL


  • AS3DEBUG should only be used for debugging purposes, as it may impact CIS performance. AS3DEBUG should only be used with an AS3 agent.
  • log-as3-response parameter only logs the AS3 response, while AS3DEBUG log-level logs both AS3 requests and responses.

BIG-IP system

Parameter Type Required Default Description Allowed Values Agent
bigip-partition String Required N/A The BIG-IP partition in which to configure objects. BIG-IP AS3 agent does not support write to “common” Both AS3 and CCCL
bigip-password String Required N/A

BIG-IP iControl REST password.

You can secure your BIG-IP credentials using a Kubernetes Secret.

  Both AS3 and CCCL
bigip-url String Required N/A

BIG-IP admin IP address.


  • URL with non-standard port --bigip-url= https://x.x.x.x:8443
  • IP address --bigip-url= x.x.x.x
  • IP address with port --bigip-url= x.x.x.x:8080
  • IPv6 address --bigip-url= '[2001:db8::6]'
  • IP address
  • IP-addr:PORT
  • For IPv6 address as string inside []
Both AS3 and CCCL
bigip-username String Required N/A

BIG-IP iControl REST username

The BIG-IP user account must have the appropriate role defined:

For nodeport type pool members, the role must be Administrator.

For cluster type pool members, the role must be Administrator.

  Both AS3 and CCCL
credentials-directory String Optional N/A Directory that contains the BIG-IP username, password, or url files.   Both AS3 and CCCL


The credentials-directory option is an alternative to using the bigip-username, bigip-password, or bigip-url arguments.

When you use this argument, the controller looks for three files in the specified directory:

  • “username”, “password”, and “url”

If any of these files do not exist, the controller falls back to using the CLI arguments as parameters.

Each file should contain only the username, password, and url, respectively. You can create and mount the files as Kubernetes Secrets.

It is important to not project the Secret keys to specific paths, as the controller looks for the “username”, “password”, and “url” files directly within the credentials directory.

See example-bigip-credentials-directory.yaml for a deployment example.

GTM BIG-IP system

Parameter Type Required Default Description
gtm-bigip-password String Required N/A Password for the GMT BIG-IP user account. You can secure your GTM BIG-IP credentials using a Kubernetes Secret.
gtm-bigip-url String Required N/A URL for the GTM BIG-IP
gtm-bigip-username String Required N/A Username for the GTM BIG-IP user account.
gtm-credentials-directory String Optional N/A The directory that contains the GTM BIG-IP username, password, and/or URL files. To be used instead of username, password, and/or URL arguments.


The credentials-directory option is an alternative to using the gtm-bigip-username, gtm-bigip-password, or gtm-bigip-url arguments.

When you use this argument, the controller looks for three files in the specified directory:

  • “username”, “password”, and “url”

If any of these files do not exist, the controller falls back to using the CLI arguments as parameters.

Each file should contain only the username, password, and url, respectively. You can create and mount the files as Kubernetes Secrets.

It is important to not project the Secret keys to specific paths, as the controller looks for the “username”, “password”, and “url” files directly within the credentials directory.

See example-gtm-bigip-credentials-directory.yaml for a deployment example.


Parameter Type Required Default Description Allowed Values Agent
openshift-sdn-name String Optional N/A

Name of the VXLAN tunnel on the BIG-IP system that corresponds to an OpenShift SDN HostSubnet.

Only applicable in OpenShift.

  Both AS3 and CCCL
flannel-name String Optional N/A Name of the VXLAN tunnel on the BIG-IP system that corresponds to a Flannel subnet.   CCCL
cilium-name String Optional N/A Name of the VXLAN tunnel on the BIG-IP system that corresponds to a Cilium Subnet.   CCCL


CIS allows only one of the above VxLAN parameters in its deployment.


Parameter Type Required Default Description Allowed Values Agent Minimum supported version
default-ingress-ip String Optional N/A The controller configures a virtual server at this IP address for all Ingresses with the annotation: 'controller-default'   Both AS3 and CCCL  
kubeconfig String Optional ./config Path to the kubeconfig file   Both AS3 and CCCL  
manage-configmaps Boolean Optional true Tells the controller whether or not to watch Kubernetes ConfigMaps and apply their configuration. If false, the controller will ignore ConfigMap events. true, false Both AS3 and CCCL  
namespace String Optional All

Kubernetes namespace(s) to watch

  • To specify multiple namespace, use multiple --namespace flags.
  • Watches all namespaces by default.
  Both AS3 and CCCL  
namespace-label String Optional N/A Tells the k8s-bigip-ctlr to watch any namespace with this label   Both AS3 and CCCL  
node-label-selector String Optional N/A Tells the k8s-bigip-ctlr to watch only nodes with this label   Both AS3 and CCCL  
pool-member-type String Optional nodeport

The type of BIG-IP pool members you want to create.

Use cluster to create pool members for each of the endpoints for the Service (the pod’s InternalIP).

Use nodeport to create pool members for each schedulable node using the Service’s NodePort.

Use nodeportlocal to create pool members using Antrea CNI NodePortLocal (NPL) feature. This option is applicable only for clusters deployed with Antrea CNI.

Use auto to auto learn the service type and populate pools with cluster/nodeport ips.

cluster, nodeport, nodeportlocal, auto. auto mode is supported in CRD and NextGen mode only Both AS3 and CCCL  
resolve-ingress-names String Optional N/A

Tells the controller to resolve the first Host in an Ingress resource to an IP address. This IP address will be used as the virtual server address for the Ingress resource.

A value of “LOOKUP” will use local DNS to resolve the Host. Any other value is a custom DNS server and the controller sends resolution queries through that server instead.

Specifying the flag with no argument will default to LOOKUP.

  Not Supported  
running-in-cluster Boolean Optional true Indicates whether or not a Kubernetes cluster started k8s-bigip-ctlr true, false Both AS3 and CCCL  
use-node-internal Boolean Optional true filter Kubernetes InternalIP addresses for pool members true, false Both AS3 and CCCL  
use-secrets Boolean Optional true Tells the controller whether or not to load SSL profiles from Kubernetes Secrets for Ingresses and ConfigMaps. If false, the controller will only use profiles from the BIG-IP system. true, false Both AS3 and CCCL  
manage-ingress Boolean Optional true Tells the controller whether or not to watch Kubernetes ingress and apply their configuration. If false, the controller will ignore ingress events. true, false Both AS3 and CCCL  
manage-ingress-class- only Boolean Optional true Process all ingress resources without + “annotation and ingresses with annotation”. true, false AS3  
ingress-class String Optional F5 A class of the Ingress controller. The Ingress controller only processes Ingress resources that belong to its class–i.e. have the annotation equal to the class. Additionally, the Ingress controller processes Ingress resources that do not have that annotation, which can be disabled by setting the -manage-ingress-class-only flag. true, false AS3  
virtualServerHTTPPort Integer Optional N/A Creates a Virtual Server on BIG-IP with VIP custom HTTP port.   AS3  
virtualServerHTTPSPort Integer Optional N/A Creates a Virtual Server on BIG-IP with VIP custom HTTPS port.   Both AS3 and CCCL  
httpTraffic String Optional N/A Configure the behavior of traffic on HTTP Virtual Server. httpTraffic = allow -> Allows HTTP httpTraffic = none -> Only HTTPS httpTraffic = redirect -> redirects HTTP to HTTPS AS3  
periodic-sync-interval Integer Optional 30 Interval (in seconds) at which to queue resources.   AS3 2.5.0


Use the node-label-selector parameter if you only want the controller to manage specific nodes from the cluster. For example, the BIG-IP device may not be able to reach certain nodes, or the BIG-IP device already manages certain nodes. Therefore, the controller should only watch the nodes that match the environmental constraints (by using a label).

OpenShift Routes

The following configuration parameters only apply to OpenShift.

Parameter Type Required Default Description Allowed Values Agent
custom-client-ssl String Optional N/A Specifies the name of a custom client SSL profile attached to the route HTTPS virtual server and used as default for SNI. This profile must have the Default for SNI field enabled.   CCCL
custom-server-ssl String Optional N/A Specifies the name of a custom server SSL profile attached to the route HTTPS virtual server and used as default for SNI. This profile must have the Default for SNI field enabled.   CCCL
manage-routes Boolean Optional false Indicates if k8s-bigip-ctlr should handle OpenShift Route objects. true, false Both AS3 and CCCL
route-http-vserver String Optional ose-vserver The name of the http virtual server for OpenShift Routes.   Both AS3 and CCCL
route-https-vserver String Optional https-ose-vserver The name of the https virtual server for OpenShift Routes.   Both AS3 and CCCL
route-label String Optional N/A Tells the k8s-bigip-ctlr to only watch for OpenShift Route objects with the f5type label set to this value.   Both AS3 and CCCL
route-vserver-addr String Optional N/A Bind address for virtual server for OpenShift Route objects.   Both AS3 and CCCL
default-client-ssl String Optional N/A Name of the default client ssl profile.   Both AS3 and CCCL
default-server-ssl String Optional N/A Configuring CIS with –default-server-ssl for OpenShift routes is not recommended.   Both AS3 and CCCL
tls-version String Optional 1.2 Configures TLS version to be enabled on BIG-IP. TLS 1.3 is only supported on TMOS version 14.0+.   Only AS3
cipher-group String Optional N/A Configures a cipher group in BIG-IP and reference it here. Cipher group and ciphers are mutually exclusive, only use one.   Only AS3
ciphers String Optional N/A Configures a ciphersuite selection string. Cipher-group and ciphers are mutually exclusive, only use one.   Only AS3


If the custom-client-ssl or custom-server-ssl parameters are not provided, then the controller creates default clientssl and serverssl profiles for the OpenShift Route HTTPS virtual server. The controller sets these profiles as Default for SNI.

NextGen Routes

The following configuration parameters only apply to NextGen Routes.


For NextGen Routes, controller-mode must be set as openshift.

OpenShift Routes and Kubernetes

AS3 Parameters

Parameter Type Required Default Description Minimum supported version
as3-validation Boolean Optional true When set to false, this disables AS3 template validation on the controller.  
insecure Boolean Optional false When set to true, this enables insecure SSL communication to the BIG-IP system.  
trusted-certs-cfgmap String Required N/A When certificates are provided, adds them to controller’s trusted certificate store.  
as3-post-delay int Optional N/A Specifies the time, in seconds, that CIS waits to post the available AS3 declaration. 2.0.0
override-as3- declaration String Optional N/A Provide Namespace and Name of the ConfigMap as <namespace>/<configmap-name>. The JSON key/values from this ConfigMap will oerride key/values from internally generated AS3 declaration.  
filter-tenants Boolean Optional false Specifies whether or not the use tenant filtering API for AS3 declaration. 2.7.0
share-nodes Boolean Optional false When set to true, the pool member node is created on /Common partition, which can be shared among multiple tenants. This argument is only valid for Ingress, Routes, and CRDs. 2.2.0

AS3 Response code handling in CIS

AS3 Response Code HTTP Status CIS Handling (NextGen Mode CRDs/Routes/ServiceTypeLB) CIS Handling (Legacy Mode)
200 OK CIS does not try to repost AS3 declaration. CIS does not try to repost AS3 declaration.
201 Created CIS polls for its status continuously and blocks incoming requests. CIS does not try to repost AS3 declaration.
202 Accepted CIS polls for its status continuously and blocks incoming requests. CIS does not try to repost AS3 declaration.
207 Multi Status CIS retries every 30 seconds for failed tenants and successful tenant declarations will not be posted. N/A
404 Not Found If CIS receives 404 at the start-up it immediately exits and the container will be restarted continuously. One of the reasons for a 404 error in this case is that AS3 RPM is not installed on BIG-IP. If CIS receives 404 while posting the AS3 declaration, CIS retries every 30 sec for failed tenants.

If CIS receives 404 at the start-up it immediately exits and the container will be restarted continuously. One of the reasons for a 404 error in this case is that AS3 RPM is not installed on the BIG-IP system.

If CIS receives a 404 while posting the AS3 declaration, CIS does not try to repost AS3 declaration.

422 Unprocessable Entity CIS retries every 30 seconds for failed tenants. CIS retries every 30 seconds for failed tenants.
503 Service Unavailable CIS waits for 30 seconds before trying to repost. CIS waits for 30 seconds before trying to repost.
Others   CIS retries every 30 seconds for failed tenants. CIS retries every 30 seconds for failed tenants.

CIS Health Checks

Kubernetes has two types of health checks:

  • Readiness Probes: To determine when a pod is ready
  • Liveness Probes: To determine when a pod is healthy or unhealthy after it has become ready

Readiness Probes Kubernetes uses readiness probes to decide when the container is available for accepting traffic. The readiness probe controls which pods to use as the backend for a service. A pod is considered ready when all of its containers are ready. If a pod is not ready, it is removed from service load balancers. For example, if a container loads a large cache at start-up and takes minutes to start, you should not send requests to this container until it is ready, or the requests will fail. Instead, route requests to other pods, which are capable of servicing requests.

Liveness Probes Kubernetes uses liveness probes to know when to restart a container. If a container is unresponsive, the application could be deadlocked due to a multi-threading defect. Restarting the container can make the application more available.

These are the methods you can use to check container status:

  • HTTP request to the pod
  • Command execution to the pod
  • TCP request to the pod

Probes are defined on a container in a deployment.

Here is an example of the deployment using HTTP method:

Parameter Description
periodSeconds specifies that the kubelet should perform a liveness probe every 3 seconds.
initialDelaySeconds tells the kubelet that it should wait 3 seconds before performing the first probe
timeOutSeconds how long to wait for the probe to finish. If this time is exceeded, OpenShift Container Platform considers the probe to have failed.

The kubelet uses a web hook to determine the healthiness of the container. The check is successful if the HTTP response code is between 200 and 399.

To perform a probe, the kubelet sends an HTTP GET request to the server that is running in the Container and listening on port 8080. The handler for the server’s /health path returns a success code. For example:

   failureThreshold: 3
      path: /health
      port: 8080
      scheme: HTTP
   initialDelaySeconds: 15
   periodSeconds: 15
   successThreshold: 1
   timeoutSeconds: 15
   failureThreshold: 3
      path: /health
      port: 8080
      scheme: HTTP
   initialDelaySeconds: 30
   periodSeconds: 30
   successThreshold: 1
   timeoutSeconds: 15

To view the liveness and readiness of the deployed pod, run the command Kubectl describe pod <pod_name> -n kube-system. Here is the example output:

        resources: {}
        terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
        terminationMessagePolicy: File
        - --log-level=debug
        terminationMessagePolicy: Fileermination-log
   Liveness:      http-get http://:8080/health delay=15s timeout=15s period=15s #success=1 #failure=3
   Readiness:     http-get http://:8080/health delay=30s timeout=15s period=30s #success=1 #failure=3
   Environment:   <none>
   Mounts:        <none>
Volumes:          <none>

curl http://<self-ip>:<port no>/health shows a response of OK.

/ready endpoint Advanced endpoint for monitoring the health of CIS. The endpoint works as follows:

curl http://<self-ip>:<port no>/ready

  • If everything is working as expected, a successful response of 200 OK is returned.
  • If the Kubernetes APIs are unreachable, down, or not accessible (ie: permissions problem), then health checks fail resulting in HTTP error code 500 returning “kube-api server is not reachable.”
  • If the BIG-IPs are unreachable, down, or not accessible (ie: permissions problem), then health checks fail resulting in HTTP error code 500 returning “big-ip server is not reachable.”

Prometheus Metrics

Name Type Default Status Description Labels
bigip_monitored_nodes Gauge Enabled Total count of monitored nodes by the BIG-IP k8s CTLR. ["nodeselector"]
bigip_current_errors Gauge Enabled Total count of errors occured parsing the configuration. []
bigip_monitored_services Gauge Enabled Total count of monitored services by the BIG-IP k8s CTLR. ["namespace", "name", "status"]
bigip_http_client_api_requests_total Counter Disabled A counter for requests from the wrapped HTTP client. ["code", "method"]
bigip_http_client_in_flight_requests Gauge Disabled Total count of in-flight requests for the wrapped HTTP client. []
bigip_http_client_dns_duration_seconds Histogram Disabled Trace DNS latency histogram. ["event"]
bigip_http_client_tls_duration_seconds Histogram Disabled Trace TLS latency histogram. ["event"]
bigip_http_client_request_duration_seconds Histogram Disabled Trace HTTP request latencies histogram. []


Use the --http-client-metrics deployment parameter to export the AS3 HTTP client prometheus metrics, which are disabled by default.

Rest Methods with CIS

CIS uses the following Rest methods along with AS3 and CCCL agents to interact with BIG-IP.

GET Yes Yes
POST Yes Yes
PUT Yes Yes


When CIS is deployed in cluster mode with an AS3 agent, CIS still uses the CCCL agent to update the FDB and ARP entries on BIG-IP.


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