

The ACCESS::user commands return user ID information.


ACCESS::user getsid <key>
ACCESS::user getkey <sid_hash>

ACCESS::user getsid <key>

  • Returns the list of created external SIDs which is associated wit the specified key

ACCESS::user getkey <sid_hash>

  • Returns the original SID for specified hash of SID
  • This command works for clientless mode only


    set http_path [string tolower [HTTP::path] ]

    if { $http_path == "/protected-uri" } {
    else return

    set apm_username [ string tolower [HTTP::username] ]
    set apm_password [HTTP::password]

    set user_key {}
    append user_key $apm_username "." $user_hash
    unset user_hash

    set f_insert_clientless_mode 0
    # Get a list of internal session ids which are associated with user_key
    # which in this case is user credential.
    set apm_cookie_list [ ACCESS::user getsid $user_key ]
    if { [ llength $apm_cookie_list ] != 0 } {
        # Use the first entry in the list, and convert the internal session id
        # into external session id.
        set apm_cookie [ ACCESS::user getkey [ lindex $apm_cookie_list 0 ] ]
        if { $apm_cookie != "" } {
        # And insert it as cookie to be passed into APM.
            HTTP::cookie insert name MRHSession value $apm_cookie
        } else {
            set f_insert_clientless_mode 1
    } else {
        set f_insert_clientless_mode 1
    # Execute access policy in clientless mode.
    if { $f_insert_clientless_mode == 1 } {
        HTTP::header insert "clientless-mode" 1
        HTTP::header insert "username" $apm_username
        HTTP::header insert "password" $apm_password
    unset f_insert_clientless_mode
    # Associate the user_key with the session by assigning the value.
    if { [ info exists user_key ] } {
        ACCESS::session data set "session.user.uuid" $user_key