

The ADAPT::allow command sets or returns the allow attribute


ADAPT::allow <property>
ADAPT::allow <property> request
ADAPT::allow <property> response
ADAPT::allow <property> <bool>
ADAPT::allow <property> request <bool>
ADAPT::allow <property> response <bool>

#v12 introduces optional context parameter, where <ctx> represents a context handle
ADAPT::allow [<ctx>] <property>
ADAPT::allow [<ctx>] <property> request
ADAPT::allow [<ctx>] <property> response
ADAPT::allow [<ctx>] <property> <bool>
ADAPT::allow [<ctx>] <property> request <bool>
ADAPT::allow [<ctx>] <property> response <bool>

Notes: The request-adapt side cannot modify attributes on the response-adapt side until the connection has been established with the server. The only current property is http_v1.0. The boolean formats allowed are below, though disable / enable is the recommended approach.
  • 0 / 1
  • false / true
  • disable / enable
  • no / yes

ADAPT::allow [<ctx>] <property>

  • Get the allow attribute for the current side

ADAPT::allow [<ctx>] <property> request

  • Get the allow attribute for the request-adapt side

ADAPT::allow [<ctx>] <property> response

  • Get the allow attribute for the response-adapt side

ADAPT::allow [<ctx>] <property> <bool>

  • Set the allow attribute for the current side

ADAPT::allow [<ctx>] <property> request <bool>

  • Set the allow attribute for the request-adapt side

ADAPT::allow [<ctx>] <property> response <bool>

  • Set the allow attribute for the response-adapt side
