

Returns the status of the user’s answer to the CAPTCHA challenge. The returned value is one of the following strings:

  • not_received - the answer to the CAPTCHA challenge did not appear in the request; this is the normal result, before the CAPTCHA challenge is sent to the client
  • correct - the answer is correct
  • incorrect - the answer is incorrect
  • empty - an empty answer was given, or if the user clicked on the CAPTCHA Refresh button
  • expired - the answer has expired; in this case, the answer is not validated and may be correct or incorrect
  • invalid - the cookie containing the CAPTCHA answer cannot be parsed; this could mean that it was modified by an attacker, or that it is older than two days, or due to a configuration change


Deprecated in BIG-IP Next v20.0.1





Return Value

Returns a string signifying the status of the CAPTCHA challenge.

Valid During



# EXAMPLE: Send a CAPTCHA challenge on the login page, and only allow the
 # login if the user passed the CAPTCHA challenge
     if {[BOTDEFENSE::action] eq "allow"} {
         if {[BOTDEFENSE::captcha_status] ne "correct"} {
             if {[HTTP::uri] eq "/t/login.php"} {
                 set res [BOTDEFENSE::action captcha_challenge]
                 if {$res ne "ok"} {
                     log local0. "cannot send captcha_challenge: \"$res\""
                     BOTDEFENSE::action tcp_rst
             } elseif {[HTTP::uri] eq "/t/do_login.php"} {
                 set res [BOTDEFENSE::action custom_response {
                     login failed because you may not be human
                 if {$res ne "ok"} {
                     log local0. "cannot send blocking page: \"$res\""
                     BOTDEFENSE::action tcp_rst

Change Log

  • Introduced: 12.1
  • Deprecated: 20.0.1

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