
This iRules command returns UDP payload information.
Note: throws an error if L4 protocol of the current connection is not UDP


DATAGRAM::udp payload [<size>]
DATAGRAM::udp payload_length

DATAGRAM::udp payload [<size>]

  • Returns the content of the current UDP payload. If is specified and more than bytes are available, only the first bytes of collected data are returned.

DATAGRAM::udp payload_length

  • Returns the length, in bytes, of the current UDP payload.


when FLOW_INIT {
  if { [IP::protocol] == 17 } {
     log local0. "UDP Flow: [IP::client_addr] [UDP::client_port] --> [IP::local_addr] [UDP::local_port]"
     log local0. "UDP Payload Length = [DATAGRAM::udp payload_length] Payload: [DATAGRAM::udp payload 100]"